Chapter Four

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The airport was crowded, a little too much for Hinata’s liking. She was scared that she was going to lose Naruko or Sasuke and miss the plane. ‘Guys lets to into the newsagent and grab something to read for the plane.. and some lollies!’, she said, grinning her Uzamaki smile. Sasuke walked over to the magazines, which Hinata was also heading too. Naruko was trying to grab as many packets of gum and various candies as she could afford. Hinata picked up a gossip magazine, and started flicking through it. ‘Hyuuga look at this’. Hinata turned her head to where Sasuke was standing, showing her a gardening magazine. ‘It tells you how to grow the perfect garden. It has a lot of tips that you could find useful. There is also a recipe for tomato soup in it which you could make. She took the magazine out of his hands and scanned through it. ‘T-thankyou Sasuke…’, she said, blushing because Sasuke had thought of her when reading the particular magazine. ‘No problem’, he replied, picking up another magazine, this time, a fitness one. Hinata decided to buy the gossip and gardening magazines, along with a woman’s interest one, and a couple of packets of gum. Heading to the counter, Sasuke was buying his stuff ahead of her. ‘Is that all?’, the cashier said. Sasuke noticed that Hinata was standing behind him, and took the items out of her hands and placed them on the counter. ‘These also’, he said, giving a fake smile to the cashier. ‘ W-what??? Why is he paying for my stuff?! ‘, She thought to herself, panicking. After Sasuke payed, he must of seen the expression on Hinatas face because he smiled. ‘Calm down Hinata. I paid for you. So what? That’s what friends do. Let’s go now. Naruko is looking impatient’. She exhaled and followed Sasuke, to where Naruko was, impatiently waiting on a bench. ‘ Took you guy long enough to get here. What the heck took you so long?’. Sasuke sighed and put his hands in his pockets. ‘There was a long line to the cashier. It’s an airport. Its crowded. Now get off your ass and let’s catch this plane’.

The airplane was rather big, and all three of them were in first class. There was three seats either end, and Hinata was in the middle of Naruko and Sasuke, even though she wanted the window. She actually had a fear of flying, but didn’t tell any of them that. She decided to play it cool and try not to show how scared she was. Naruto was next to the aisle, and spotted a hot guy across from her. She zipped down her jacket, trying to show off cleavage. ‘hey…’, Naruko said, trying to get his attention. Sasuke nudged Hinata with his shoulder. ‘This is gonna end in a fail. I bet you.’ Hinata gulped and tried to smile. ‘ I-I B-bet!’. Sasukes face suddenly dropped. ‘Are you okay Hyuuga? You’re sweating’. He placed his hand on her forehead. Hinata flinched and felt herself going bright red. ‘You don’t have a fever..’ His worried look turned into an evil smirk. ‘ You’re afraid of flying aren’t you?’. She looked at the ground. ‘ N-no’. ‘Bullshit. We haven’t even taken off and your started to sweat and freak out. The planes not going to crash. Trust me.’. She looked him in the eye, but felt her face go even hotter. ‘ W-well you aren’t s-sure that the plane wont c-crash.. or that it will get h-hijacked.. or that a f-fire wont start.. or-‘. She fainted. Sasuke rolled his eyes, and diverted his attention back to where Naruko was. She was making out with the guy from across the aisle, only to be broken up  by an air hostess. The captain announced take off and the plane started to race down the runway, eventually ending up in the air. Half an hour later, Hinata was still out cold, Sasuke was reading, and Naruko was STILL chatting up the guy. ‘ Oi Sasuke’, Naruko whispered, trying not to somehow wake Hinata up, ‘ Guess whos gonna join the mile high club?’. Sasuke looked at her, disgusted and called her a slut. Naruko gave him the finger and got up, walking towards the bathroom with a random guy. Sasuke chucked on some headphones and turned on the tv which was in front of him. A music show was on, and it was counting down the top 20 songs. ‘ Meh’, Sasuke sighed, reclining his chair.

Hinata woke two minutes later, and noticed that they were in the sky. She jumped and screamed. Sasuke got a fright. ‘ Hinata… Calm down. Don’t ruin the quiet atmosphere’. Hinata started breathing faster and grabbed the sick bag out of the chair in front of her, and started breathing into it. She was going pale. Worried, Sasuke grabbed her and hugged her, in a bid to calm her down and shut her up. Hinata somehow felt safe for a second, before realising that Sasuke was HUGGING her. She went bright red. ‘ See everything’s alright’, Sasuke mumbled, and went back to watching tv. Hinata sat there for a second, just trying to calm down. She glanced at Sasukes TV, and saw a one direction video playing. She started giggling, humoured at the fact that he was watching a one direction video. Sasuke turned his head to see what she was suddenly laughing about. When he saw her cute smile he felt his face go a little red. ‘What’s so funny?’, he said, annoyed. Hinata was still giggling. ‘ I didn’t know you liked One Direction!’. Sasuke had never heard her laugh before, and he turned around to face the window because he could feel himself blushing. ‘ I don’t. It just came on…. They actually piss me off greatly… Especially Harry’. Hinata stopped giggling and actually started laughing. ‘ You know their names? I knew you liked them!’ .‘ I just know the names because… I JUST DO!’, Sasuke started smiling himself, finding it sort of funny. ‘Sasuke.. Where’s Naruko’, Hinata said, suddenly thinking of her friend. Sasuke frowned and pointed to the bathroom. ‘She’s being a slut in there with that guy’. Hinata frowned as well. ‘Why does she have to be like that? I really do worry about her sometimes!’. Sasuke grabbed a magazine out of his bag and showed Hinata a page. It was a picture of a fat, washed up old lady explaining why that she was proud to be trailer trash. ‘Naruko in ten years. Right there.’. Hinata and Sasuke both started giggling at the picture, because it was half true.  Within a moment, they were staring into each other’s eyes, both their faces red. Hinata tried to look away, but something about his eyes was interesting. Their faces were starting to inch closer, until they were about to kiss. ‘GUYS! GUESS WHO IS NOW A MEMBER OF THE MILE HIGH CLUB!’ Naruko said, plonking down into the seat. Sasuke and Hinata jumped and quickly looked in the other direction. Hinata could feel her heart beating fast. Naruko placed her hand on Hinatas shoulder. ‘ So anyway, why were you and Sasuke kissing?’. Sasuke looked over at Naruko, with a bright red face. ‘ We were not! Leave us alone’. Naruko sniggered and started making kissing noises. ‘ Hinata and Sasuke sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!’. Sasuke chucked a magazine at her. ‘Shut up trailer trash’. Hinata giggled, remembering the photo. Seeing her laughing, Sasuke remembered the photo too, and started laughing as well. ‘You guys are weird’ Naruko said and turned to face the guy again. Sasuke sighed and smiled at Hinata. She blushed but found herself smiling back. ‘Well this is awkward isn’t it?’, Sasuke said. ‘Y-yes it is indeed!’ Hinata replied.

Weekend Surprises- SasuHinaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ