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A town struck with famine
As thier daily catch suddenly disappeared
An omnipresent wave of fear
That even the waves couldn't wash away

Man looked for explanation
And found it simple to be
There's a witch in our town
Whose curse brings us disease

A hunt for the hag took place
Until they found thier victim
A frail old woman named Cora
With dark eyes and a crooked smile

As a test for proof
They threw her in the ocean
To see if she would drown
But she floated

Condemned a witch,
She was tied to a tree
And a torch was lit
The embers lowered near the tree
Her death it may seem

But the skies disapproved with a hiss of black
A lightning bolt from the gods
Struck down upon her
And when the light dissipated
She was gone, but there was a mark, a word, burned to remember: CORA

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