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All the compliments are lies to me


But what's true

Is the hate

All the hate that I've made for myself

All the hate that everyone has towards me

Even if it's just a little resentment

Even if I'm their worst enemy

The hate is still there

Nagging. Pushing

It just won't stop

I tried!

I tried to ignore it

But I'm not strong enough

What can I do to make myself stronger?

To treat the scars and heal the pain

Do I need better clothes?

Do I need to dress like you?

But not copy you at the same time?

Do I need more makeup?

Do I need to continue to hide behind this wall of products?

I hope it's not that way

I wish it was simpler

Doesn't love do the trick?

It doesn't

I have love

I have hugs and kisses and care

But I still don't belive them

Don't belive this love

I want to be the best I can be

But everyone is better

But hey!

That's life!

No room for love but plenty space for hate

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