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We've always been pretty

And delightful to see

But maybe I want to see the ugly

I want to see your freak

Bury me in your filth

Let me see the beast

Let me feed

I need to feel this exhilarating montrosouity

Blood drips from your skin

I want a taste of your sin

Show me the evil inside

Don't hide

Extermination ripples through our veins

Like watching angles sin

The witches burn the towns

And I cast the spells

Yet it's profound that I don't know what you are

What you turn into

So show me the devil inside

Damn you're the death of my light

But I don't care

Are you the dark?

Do you sting me?

Or would you give me pain?

Or is it horrific?

Till the day I die

I'll spill my heart out for you

Do the same for me

A.N. made possible by horror movies and rob zombie :p

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