Ruler Of Emptiness

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Daughter of the dead
Princess of the deprived
As beautiful as nefarious
Vicious and unleashed

I've been tied down for ages
By ropes of great strength
But I've been feeding
On corruption and rotten souls

All the demons, slaves to me
Only chained, for my vengeance
My revenge I hunger ever minute
To kill, everything

And I'm finally released
How happy we are to be
When you eyes lose their gleam
And your body is paled

I decry the death of all
Everything that lives
Is broken, tainted
Unfixable, unwanted

No matter how distraught you may be
I'll kill you and all other beings
With no sense of mercy
But with a smile and a sense of pride

And when the world is feckless
When nothing is left but bare earth and death
Then, I'll be at peace
Enjoying my home of murk and forever ebony
I will reign emptiness

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