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We were in love

But you had to leave

You had to face death in the eyes and not even flinch

I had faith in you

I knew nothing I would say, could stop you from this battle

I prayed and hoped that you would return

And you did

I've never been so happy in my life

To kiss those lips that I haven't touched in years

You came back

But deep down, I know

I know that you never fully returned

Your heart has turned cold

It still beats, but hangs on with shakily breathes

You left your love behind

You say you love me

But it is pity I sense

But all if this is okay

I still love you

You still smile

It may not be at me

But it makes me happy when you are happy

When you smile, my heart still keeps a beat

I never broke my promise

I said I would love you forever, and I do

Till death do us part

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