Chapter 15: Memories&Conclusions

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----A few days later---
Jenny's P.O.V

These past 10 days have been incredible. Taehyung has been spending so much time with me like he's been taking me out for lunch, dinner, karaoke and dates. It's been really good fun! Aishh how did I meet such an amazing guy like him? He still hasn't told me how broke his hand. He's so clumsy. I wonder why he hasn't called me today. He usually does that around this time. Hmph I'll call him. Ooh it's ringing. He picked up.
"Hey Tae"
"What?" He said aggressively, what's wrong with him?
"Ermm I was just wondering why you didn't call me."
"Why? Do I have to call you all the time? Do I really need to?" He asked rudely, what the fish is wrong with him?!
"Ermm no you don't but I was just curious cause you usually call me at this time everyday..."
"Well I didn't okay? I've got more important things to do than call you all the time." Now that one hit my heart, my eyes started to water but I held it in.
"Urmm, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself." I asked curiously
"I'm fine for god sakes. Will you please stop questioning me and hang up already?"
"Ermm okay bye love you.."
"Okay whatever " I hung up. His words really hurt me. I didn't think he'd talk to me this way. Before I knew tears started to roll down my cheek. I hugged my pillow tight wishing it was Taehyung.

There was a knock on my door.
"Come in!" I sniffed. The doorknob turned and I saw Jungkook.
"Hey, wait why are you crying?" He said walking towards my bed and sitting on it.
"It's nothing." I wiped my tears and sat up. I don't know why I bothered lying to him because I knew he'd get the truth out of me somehow.
"Who was it? And tell me now because you know I can get the truth out of you Jenny." He said with a serious tone.
"It was Taehyung." He sighed like he knew something but I didn't bother to ask. "I phoned him up and he was being really rude to me. I don't know why but it really hurt my feelings."Jungkook started to rub circles on my back, making me calm down.
"Ahh it's okay. He has his days when he's a bitch." He chuckled which made me laugh but it didn't take away the pain that he caused me.
*buzz buzz buzz*
I got a text from Taehyung..

Urmm I can't be your date to your brothers wedding. I've got to go somewhere that day.
"What happened?" Jungkook asked.
"Taehyung cancelled on being my date to the wedding. Said he had go somewhere that day."
"Wait, when is the wedding?" Jungkook questioned.
"It's on November 3rd. Why?" I asked, it looked like there was something important.
"Yeah all of us boys have to go somewhere that day. I would tell you but I can't." He answered, and I understood. Hmm I wonder what they're going to do that day. Well I can't go to my brothers wedding without a bloody date. Oh yeah I forgot to say my would be sister-in-law is really nice and she's super pretty. My brother chose right. Oh yeah don't I have a date today? And that with Taehyung? Damn I need to get ready.
"Can you help me out pick an outfit for my date?" I asked in joy.
"Ermm, yeah that's what I came here for.. Hyung told me to cancel as he has more important things to do.." Jungkook looked down at the ground with a guilty expression. Why couldn't he tell me himself? Why did he have to ask Jungkook to say it? What's happening with Taehyung? He's not the Taehyung I fell in love with four months ago. What is he acting like an ass for? What did I do to deserve this?
"What important things exactly?" I asked suspiciously knowing that Jungkook was going to lie to me. He looked up at me giving eye contact.
"I really don't know. He just told me to tell you that he had to cancel. I'm sorry" he was genuinely being honest. What is wrong with him?! He's usually up for these kind of things. And plus he's being an arsehole to me, he's treating me like I don't even matter to him. I think I should.....
Break up with him..
I know it kills but I have to. Who is he to treat me like that? He can't just walk all over me. Yeah I know he's probably having his bitchy day but still he shouldn't vent his anger out on me.. Tears started to roll down my cheek again.
"What's wrong?"Jungkook asked while wiping my tears.
"I'm gonna do it." I said with determination.
"Wait do what?!" Jungkook started to get worried.
"I'm going to break up with him." I said and fell down to the floor crying my eyes out. Jungkook came rushing to me but I raised my hand to make him stop. I got myself up and got out of the house. I walked towards Taehyung's house while wiping my tears. I knocked on the door harshly. I was fuming and in pain at the same time. It was too much too handle. Taehyung opened the door.
"Busy huh?!" I screamed.
"What's wrong with you? Calm down someone might see us." He's more concerned about the public looking. SERIOUSLY?!
"WE'RE DONE." I yelled storming off back to my house. I ran back upstairs to see Jungkook who was still there. I ran into his arms and cried, cried till I couldn't cry anymore. I felt Jungkook wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my back.
"It's okay... I'm sure you'll find someone better. Someone who isn't such a pabo." I looked up to see Jungkook giving me a warm smile. Thank God Jungkook was still here or God knows what I would've done.

Taehyung's P.O.V

AISHHH IM SUCH A PABO. I THOUGHT THIS WOULD AFFECT HER LESS. BUT IT DIDNT. I FEEL SO BAD AND ANGRY, ANGRY AT MYSELF. I really want to scream but I can't cause Omma's gonna think there's something wrong with me. I wanted to punch another wall but you know what happened last time. So I decided to run upstairs. I started to break things and mess everything in my room to vent my anger out.

Why am I so stupid? Why couldn't I have broken up with her instead? Why did I have to make her suffer?! Just why? I fell to the ground with my hand in my face. I can't face her again, I just can't.

AISHHH sad times. Will Jenny and Taehyung ever get back together? Will Mingyu have a chance now? Find out in the next few chapters 😁😁
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Byeeeeeee love you xx😘😍❤️

Forever Always.. | BTS Taehyung ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon