Chapter 7: Suspicion

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Oooh it's school today!!! Yeah I know I'm such a weirdo for liking school, it's just that I get to be with my Taehyung all day. I haven't seen him all weekend even though we live opposite each other. He texted me last night saying he was going to pick me up. Let me get ready now.
-----15 minutes later-----
Where is he? I'm gonna run late, I guess I have to go without him. Aishh why? I headed to the front door and opened it. No sign of him. Aishh what's wrong with him?! I started to walk quickly as school was going to start in 10 mins. I saw Jungkook at the school gates and ran to him. I caught my breath and said "KOOOKIEEEE WAIT UP! TEAHYUNG DIDNT COME TO PICK ME UP! SO WAIIIIT!!"
Jungkook started laughing his head off, I just gave him a dirty and then he stopped.
"Why were you running? Class starts in ten minutes. Haha" Seriously? Oh em gee my phone messed up on me. Aishh!
" I think my phone messed up on me and I thought I was running late. Have you seen Taehyung?"
"Nope didn't see him. Let's go to class and see if he's there already, he probably forgot to pick you up." I nodded and went ahead to class. I walked into class and he wasn't there. Where was he? Where did he disappear and why didn't he tell me?

So Sooyung and I went to our lockers to get our money because we wanted to go out and eat instead of eating in our boring canteen. Sooyung had to go and get her bike from the bike rack so she went and I followed.
I could not believe it!! Could it be? No it can't be him. What am I saying, it is him. I dropped my books and opened my mouth in awe. Was that really my boyfriend kissing another girl? If so Soomin? He broke off the kiss quickly and pushed Soomin away. Tears started to stream down my face; I felt my eyes burning. "Jenny wait it's not what you think it was..."
I cut him off " Oh so that's where you've been all day?!Haha Im so stupid..How could you?! I loved you.. Why would you do this to me?! I thought you loved me too!"
I ran towards the main doors wiping my tears, until I bumped into someone. I looked up and then hugged him, I didn't know who he was but I just really needed a hug. He slowly wrapped his arms around me while the other guy standing next to him gave me the what-the-fudge-is-wrong-with-you? look. The boy I was hugging started to stroke my hair, and it felt comforting. I could hear Taehyung calling out my but then he stopped, probably because I was hugging another guy that I don't even know.
I looked up and whispered "Please take me away from here, I really don't want to be right here right now.." He looked at me with loving eyes nodding and slowly turning to walk out of school with me. His friend started to follow too. "Urmm thanks, my name's Jenny" I smiled slightly
"No problem, my name is Mingyu and that's Vernon, what happened to you?"
" I got cheated on by the guy I love. Actually used to love.." my voice cracked. I looked down and started to cry again. Mingyu pulled me in closer so now my head was in chest.
"Don't worry you'll get over it."
"No I won't.I loved him" I sniffed. He nodded and we carried on. Oh no its raining and we didnt have an umbrella. Aishh now I've got an even worse headache. Mingyu dragged me with Vernon and started to twirl around in the rain. "Are you crazy?! We're gonna get sick!" I yelled.
"Awww party pooper. Come on lets go to my apartment." Mingyu pouted. I started follow him while I was wet and cold.
We reached to his apartment and Mingyu opened the door. Woah his apartment was massive.
"You live here alone?" I asked curiously
"No I live here with him." Vernon said with a grin. Mingyu ran upstairs leaving me alone with Vernon.
"I haven't seen you guys before around school. Did you guy start new?"
"Nope. We've been there for ages. We were just training for a couple of months." Vernon replied.
"Ohh okay. What were you training for anyway?"
"Ermm we were training to become a boy band.." He said while staring at the floor.
"Boy band?!" I spat. "That's awesome! Are you guys gonna become famous or something?What are you guys gonna be called?!" I bombed him with questions.

He chuckled while scratching his head "Haha ermm I dunno. Hopefully we will. Err we're gonna be called Seventeen."
"Omg!!Will you remember me when you when you get famous?" I said excitedly.
Before Vernon said anything Mingyu came down with some clothes. Oh yeah I forgot I was soaking wet. "Ermm here are some clothes for you to get changed in.You can change in my room, its the first room you'll see." Mingyu smiled.
"Thank you" I smiled back and started to walk upstairs to his room. He gave me a really nice maroon baggy t-shirt with some joggers.
I quickly put them on, I let my hair out and I ran downstairs to find the boys playing on their console. Typical boys. Oh wait thats my favourite game! "Are you guys playing Tekken? Omg I love that game!I can kick your butts in that game you know" I smirked.
"More like I'm gonna kick your butt.Come on then lets play!" Exclaimed Vernon.


Ayyyy! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. But what did you guys think? Will Jenny and Taehyung ever get back together? Let me know in the comments and dont forget to vote!! Byeeeeee x♡♥♡

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