Chapter 12: Reunions & Abs

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Jenny's P.O.V

Hmph. Mingyu didn't speak to me at all in class today. Wonder what's wrong with him. Maybe it's just that headache of his, but still doesn't mean he shouldn't talk to me at all. Tsssk.
"You gonna come to the park with me?" Taehyung asked sweetly.
"No sorry, I gotta go home I have to meet my brothers fiancé for the first time." I muttered.
"Aww I'm gonna miss you." Taehyung said while pouting
"I'm gonna miss you too but I'll see you tomorrow." I said reassuringly, Taehyung pulled me in close to him and before I knew it my lips were on his. I broke off the kiss as it was time to go home and I needed to go home really quickly. I waved goodbye and gave Taehyung's cheek a quick peck and I was off.


I was walking and listening to music at the same time until I bumped into a familiar person. I couldn't believe it what was he doing here? It was Eunjae (Jai) my ex boyfriend from England. What the hell was he doing walking in Seoul? We broke up because I couldn't do long distance relationships. He walked towards me and I took a few steps back. He smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug. After a few seconds I broke off the hug and stepped back.
"Jai what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in England." I said curiously. He looked down and looked back up at me.
"Ermm.. Appa and I moved here. Omma divorced him because she thinks he's too much of a workaholic." He replied quietly.
"Ohhh.. I'm so sorry." I apologised sympathetically.
"It's okay, I knew they weren't going to last. Anyway how have you been? Have you missed me? Cause I missed you a lot. I missed us and everything we used to do together." Ahhh damn now I feel bad. Why did you have to come and move here?
"I missed you too.." I said putting my hair behind my ear. I always did that when I felt bad, it's a habit and hopefully Eunjae didn't notice.
"Jenny is there something you're feeling guilty about?" He asked curiously fiddling with one of the rings I gave him.
"I'm okay. You still have the ring I gave you?" I changed the subject avoiding the question. I felt really bad. He smiled and scratched the back of his head.
"Ermm.. Yeah well it was from the girl I love." He said it so sweetly. I started to blush but then felt even more guilty. My phone started to ring. Damn it. Why did he have to call now?! I had to answer it cause I knew he wouldn't stop calling unless I pick up. I gestured one minute to Jai and he shook his head. "Hey beautiful, why did it take you so long to pick up? I missed you." He questioned and I did facepalm.
"Ermm I'm just with an old friend who's moved here from England." Eunjae gave me that look, yeah that just an old FRIEND?! kind of look.
"Ohh okay" crap I just pressed speaker and now my phone froze.
Just great! Yay. -_-
Taehyung carried on and said,
"Baby, when you coming home? I was thinking of visiting you today but you haven't even come yet. I really want to see you." Why why why???!
"Yeah I'll be home in ten minutes. Love you loads." I said blankly.
"Love you too beautiful. Miss you." And finally he hung up. Eunjae glared at me with confusion. I had to clear everything up before it gets messy.
"Ermm sorry that was my---" I got cut off by Jai.
"Boyfriend? Yeah I got the hint from when he called you baby." He looked away with disgust.
"I'm sorry I should've told you." I apologised.
"I had tremendous hope for us you know. Us back together. Forever always. Now I feel stupid." I started to feel even more bad. Uggggh why does this always happen to me??
"I'm sorry I didn't think we'd ever see each other again. So I was trying to move on and urmm.. I did.." I mumbled and gazed at the ground. Eunjae lifted my chin up so we were looking into each others eyes. I remember those deep blue crystal eyes they were gorgeous. Oh crap what am I saying? I got a boyfriend for gods sake.
"Don't worry, its okay. I guess we just weren't meant to be." He whispered while smiling and then he was off leaving me on my own. I was felt sooooooo guilty. I really thought I was never going to see him again. Ahh damn its getting late now.
*buzz buzz*
Hey potato,😄
Plans today have been cancelled,😐
My fiancé is busy today,
So you're free to do whatever you want now :)

Oh yay now I can go see Taehyung. Yes now I'm so happy. I walked ahead towards my road and reached at Taehyung's house. I rang the doorbell and I heard a voice,
"Omo who could be disturbing me now?"
It was Taehyung. Gosh so much attitude. He opened the door slowly and smiled at me. OMO he was only in a towel. I examined his well toned body and then looked back at his face. His hair was dripping with water which led down to his jawline. Oh my days he has a JAWLINE?! Why didn't I notice? Aishh he looks so damn hot.
"You like?" He said with an evil smirk and started posing. I gulped and felt my cheeks burning.Obviously I do like, which girl wouldn't anyway? Ughhh why is he torturing me with his body?!
"Urmm.. I thought I'd come to see you as my brother's fiancé cancelled. So here I am." I avoided the question cause I was too embarrassed to say.
"Trying to change the subject ay?Well then.." He stopped creating a dramatic pause. He dragged me in his house pushing me towards a wall in his home.
"Hajima, Taehyung Mrs.Kim might see us." I whispered nervously. I started to shake and I started to get anxious. What if she did see us? It would be so embarrassing.
"Aishh. She's not coming back till next week. She's in Daegu, my hometown." He started to kiss my neck downwards which gave me shivers up and down my spine. I enjoyed but I knew it wasn't right. He started to unbutton my shirt but I pushed him away gently. I couldn't do this now it just didn't feel right.
"Taehyung not now please.." He understood my words and took me to his room. I was confused why was he taking me up to his room. Hopefully nothing dodgy. He left me in his room and went out. I saw the walls plastered with pictures of him as a baby and pictures of him now. Awww he looked so cute. He returned with just shorts on and topless and I gave him a are you being serious? look.
"Whaaaaaat? I feel hot." He winked at me and I looked away carrying on looking at the pictures.
"What shall we watch then?" He asked pointing to his dvd collection. Ohhh that's why he took me to his bedroom, to watch a movie. You're so stupid Jenny.
I walked over to to his DVD collection and saw a range of different movies. I was quite shocked that he had some romantic films. OH EM GEEEEEE! He had The Vow my all time favourite movie! And plus Channing Tatum's in it. ;)
"Yaaay you got The Vow!!!It's my favourite. Let's watch that oppa." I said excitedly while Taehyung gave me a shocked look.
"Omoooo did you say "oppa"?!" His mouth was open in awe.
"Ermm yeah. Is that okay with you?"
"Of course it's just that no girl that I've liked had called me that. So it's a bit overwhelming, beautiful." He said with a giant grin. Aishh he's so adorable. Taehyung put the DVD in and we snuggled up on his bed. To be honest I didn't even know what the time was but really I didn't care because I was with my oppa. ;)
Ooooh she got so many lovers XD 😂😂
Vote or comment if you enjoyed it or if you have any suggestions :)
Byeeeeeeee xx 😘

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