Chapter 24: Feelings&Best Friends

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Did she really just ask me to stay? That's super creepy... I thought she would've wanted me to leave her alone but she invites me in her house for tea instead?! And now she just asked me to stay for longer?! What the hell is going in that mind of hers?? Not that I'm saying its a bad thing but it's just weird..

"Ermm, yeah sure I'll stay for a little bit longer, what do you wanna do?" I answered her question from before.
"Thank youuuu! You wanna watch a movie?" She suggested while smiling..
"Ermm yeah what do you wanna watch?" I asked
"BIG HERO 6!! We got the movie and the others watched it but I didn't watch it cause I had work."
"YAAAAS lets watch that!!! I haven't watched it either so good on us!" I exclaimed running to the lounge. Plopping myself onto the sofa, Jenny was putting the dvd and then walked and sat next to me. Oooooh I'm excited now...
Baymax is so bloody awesome!! If he was in front of me right now I'd give him a giant bear hug! Jenny seemed to enjoy it as well but not as much as MEEE! Sorry I'm really hyper..

Jenny and I shot our heads towards the front door..Jenny tiptoed towards the door picking up a bat..
"Why do you have a bat?" I said while chuckling.
"Just shh will you?" She whispered and I put my finger on my lip mockingly. She opened the door and dropped the bat.

She screamed so I ran towards her pushing her behind me until I realised it was a girl with hazel hair and green eyes. She was wearing light make up on and a cream top that hung over her body with black skinny jeans.
"Taehyung, meet my best friend from England Amy!!!" She screamed while dragging her friend into the house.
"Hi Amy." I smiled and she smiled back.
"Omg Jenny, is this your fiancé you've been talking about? He's so good looking. You did well little one, you did well" she winked at Jenny.
"Nonono he's my, my urm, my..." I cut her off.
"I'm her ex boyfriend from high school but now we're just friends." I smiled and Amy shook her head understanding.
"Ermm so where is your fiancé then?" She asked Jenny who was fiddling with her hands.
"He's gone out with some of his band mates." Jenny replied quickly.
"Omg he's in a boy band?! And your son?"
"Yeaah.He's gone on vacation with my fiancé's best friend and his little sister." She answered.
"Errm I'm gonna head to the studio now, to record Hold Me Tight and to give you guys some time to catch up." I said breaking the awkwardness.
"Wait you sing as well? So that means you're famous?!" She yelled in excitement.
"Yeah I guess, we debuted a few months ago. I'm a part of a boy group too but a different one. I've gotta now. See you later Jenny, bye Amy!" I ran out of the house before I got asked any other questions. Getting into my car, I drove to the studio while listening to Hailee Steinfeld ~ Love Myself.

Jenny's P.O.V

"You've got a lot of famous people in your life dontchya?"
"Well I guess so but I knew them when I was in high school, before they even got famous." I explained while plopping myself on the sofa. Amy did the same.
"So what were you doing with your ex boyfriend huh?" She smirked at me while I gave her a glare.
"I only invited him in for a cup of tea as a thanks for dropping me off and then we watched a movie. Nothing dodgy."
"Hmmm.. Okay I believe you. Just about.. So what's the history between you and Taehyung then??"She grinned and I rolled my eyes.
"Well he was the first guy I liked here in South Korea. We dated for a couple of months and then he just turned into a jerk so I broke with him." I replied.
"Oh and you guys are still friends?" She asked curiously.
"Urmm yeah, well it's been three years so I let bygones be bygones. Simple." I smiled.
"You still have feelings for him? Don't you?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes while Amy continued to talk nonsense."I've seen the way you act around him, even if it was two minutes I saw it."
"No I don't. I love Mingyu. I think.." Ahh damn why did I say that? Now she's gonna think I'm a pabo.
"You think you love him? You still have feelings for Taehyung oh my JAISUS!" Jaisus?! Wtf?! "Oh and Jaisus is Jai Brooks and Jesus combined." She winked at me and I gave her a glare.
"Well maybe I do have feelings for Taehyung but those feelings aren't going to get in the way of me and Mingyu."

Forever Always.. | BTS Taehyung ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें