Chapter 23: Can't stop smiling

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I was waiting for her answer. I really want her to say yes, so I can distract myself and write more songs.. About her without her knowing I guess.
"Yeah sure, go for it." She smiled. Her beautiful smile... Everyone looked at me as I was smiling to myself without realising. Damn. I rubbed the back of my neck and let out an awkward chuckle to divert them.
"Kookie tell her to sign the contract." I whispered.
"Why don't you tell her hyung?" He whispered back smirking.
"Are you mad?! You know she wants me to leave her alone!" I whisper-shouted but there Jungkook grinned playfully walking away from me. Ugghh this boy. I strolled along to where Jin hyung was opposite Jenny.
"Ermm can you sign this?" I handed over the paper with a pen.
"What is this?" She questioned with the word confused written all over face.
"Urrrm it's just a contract saying that you'll let us release the single free willingly and you can't sue us for using this song in our album." I mumbled while looking down at my hands.
"Oh okay. Where do I sign?" Damn this girl asks so many questions. I pointed where she had to sign and she nodded. Quickly I got up out of my seat and ran out of the room trying to gasp for breath as I felt suffocated in the lounge.
It's just her. She takes my breath away every time I see her. I know it may seem cheesy but it's the honest truth.

Jenny's P.O.V

"Signed! Can I go back home now? Mingyu's probably waiting for me." I said in a rush picking my purse up.
"Yeah sure but nobody's got a car except Taehyung because our cars are in the garage getting checked and Jimin's gone on a date. Plus he won't be back until the night." Jungkook explained. I sighed. I'm guessing my only option was to go with Taehyung as the taxi drivers and bus drivers are all on strike today. Uggh damn.
"Errmm okay, where is he?" I asked while tapping my feet.
"He should be outside because he said he had a hard time breathing in here." Jin replied, mumbling the last bit. Hard time huh? Hmph. Saying my goodbyes, I walked out of the crib, finding Taehyung smoking a cigarette next to his car. I hate smokers as well as alcoholics did I tell you that? Well I'm telling you right now.
"Err hi, can you drop me off home please? The guys don't have their-" I got cut off. How rude.
"Yeah sure." He walked over to his car and unlocked it. We both got in at the same time.
He started to drive as I sat there awkwardly..
"You know smoking is bad for you? You could die from it. By the way I hate smokers." I blurted breaking the silence while Taehyung gave me a quick glare.
"I don't care and why do you care so much?" He asked harshly.
"Well you're a part of the human race, and I don't want anyone dying. I thought you used never smoke, why now?" I answered.
"Cause of you." He whispered something but I couldn't hear anything because of the bumpy road.
"I said cause of stress, it's hard in the music industry you know." He replied with deep tone.
"Still, you shouldn't damage your lungs just cause of that."
"Whatever. Get out we're at your place." He said blankly. I walked away but I ran back and knocked on the car window. He pulled the window screen down slowly.
"Thank you." I smiled and skipped to the front door of my house. What the hell did I just do? I'm supposed to be angry at him, not smiling and saying "thanks" to him. I opened the door to find Mingyu asleep on the sofa with mess surrounding him. Typical Mingyu. I grabbed a blanket from the storeroom and placed it gently over him.
"Mmmm you're back?" A hot, sleepy voice called.
"Yeah I'm back. It's only two o'clock in the afternoon. Why are you asleep so early?" I chuckled while he gave me a half sleep stare.
"I was waiting for you ever since you stepped out the house and then I got tired so I fell asleep." Aww bless. He waited for me since the morning.
"I'm hungry, you want me to make you and me some sandwiches?"
"YEEEEEES PLEASE!" He shot up with a grin. I brought the sandwiches to the coffee table and obviously Mingyu gobbled most of them up. He showed his thumbs signalling to me it was really good. I was just about to walk upstairs until Mingyu grabbed me pinning me to the ground again with his arms.
"Where are you going? We didn't finish what we were doing before you had to go." He smirked while biting his lip. I started to blush and I was struggling to get out of his grip but he was too strong. I seriously need to go and do weight training. His nose was brushing off mine making his lips closer to mine and irresistible. He crashed his lips onto mine working his way down my neck, unzipping my dress from the back until....


"FOR BLOODY GODS SAKE!" Mingyu yelled in frustration again which made me burst out into laughter. I quickly zipped my dress back up and ran towards the door. Opening the door, I was shocked seeing it was Taehyung. He was holding something in his hand.
"Ermm here, you left your purse in my car." He muttered while looking down at his maroon converse.
I took the purse off from his hand gently and smiled...Again?! Seriously?! What the hell?!
"Thank you again, would like to come in for a cup of tea?" What the hell am I doing?! Why am I inviting him in? I'm such a pabo.
"Ermm don't worry about it and yeah I could do with a cup of tea if that's okay with you..." He said quietly.
"Yeah sure come in." I peered in before I let Taehyung in to see Mingyu wasn't in, he probably went upstairs. I let him in and took him to the kitchen as there was a round table for him to sit on. I poured the tea in the mug and placed on the table in front of Taehyung. "Thank you.." He mumbled under his breath. I nodded and sat opposite him.
There was a silence but I decided to break it.
"Ermm I like your debut single." There I was smiling again. Damn it. What's wrong with me? But shockingly, Taehyung smiled back.
"Really? That's good." He opened up a bit more like the old Taehyung but better.
"Yeah, you were really good. I love the dance that you guys did." My smile grew wider. Dammit Jenny stop it already! Trying to keep my cool I saw Taehyung glaring at me with a smile, not a grin or a smirk but a genuine smile. This was weird...
"Jenny! I'm going out with the boys, won't be long, love you!" Mingyu exclaimed from the lounge before slamming the front door. Ahhh now I'm alone with Taehyung.
"I should be going as well." Taehyung said while getting up. I don't want him to go though... Wait what did I just think there?
"Urmmm no don't go, hangout here for a bit longer. I get scared all alone you see..." I blurted. What am I doing? Why do I keep saying things I'm not supposed to say?
Why am I smiling so much, it's just Taehyung.
Taehyung... Taehyung.. Taehyung..

How did you guys like that?? Ooooooh JENHYUNG MIGHT COME BACK... Did you guys miss them? But how will she deal with Mingyu?? I don't even know myself LMAO😂😂😂
Vote, comment and read on.☺️✌️
Saranghae xx

Forever Always.. | BTS Taehyung ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz