Chapter 25: Dates

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----A few days later---
Jenny's P.O.V

Hmm.. I've just been wondering, why Mingyu and I haven't set a date for our wedding.. I think we need to discuss it because I really wanna tie the knot. Hehe. Maybe I should ask him out on a date to talk about the date? Yeah that's a good idea. I can leave Hansol, Amy and Becky to babysit. Yap that's great.

Heading towards my room, I felt two arms wrapping around my leg. "Omma come play with me! Pleaaaaaseee!" Taemin whined.
"Mmmm not right now honey, go play with oppa." He ran off so I continued walking to our room. I walked in to see Mingyu putting on a t-shirt on and then quickly ran out of embarrassment. "You've seen me topless before babe. So come in." I could feel him smirking even though I couldn't see him. I walked in to see his hair dripping with water. Looks like he came out of the shower."What's up?" He asked casually.
"Errmm you wanna go out for lunch this afternoon?Just the two of us?" I asked shyly.
"OMO!Is this really Jenny Jones asking me out on a date?! Well durrrh of course I'll go with you!" He exclaimed holding his hands to his chest like he was in some kind of drama.
"Get ready then we're going to be late. I already made reservations five minutes ago for half two and right now it's 2:05." He nodded and started to get ready. I put on my pastel pink dress, wearing light pink bow flats. I put my hair into a Dutch braid and didn't bother to put make up on; there I was ready. I looked over to see Mingyu was ready too. "Come on, let's go!" I said dragging him along with me.
"Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And you're heart starts to wonder,
Where on this Earth I could be,
Thinking baby you'll come back, here to the place that we'll meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street,"

We sang in unison to one of my favourite songs by The Script and then we laughed at how bad we were, even though Mingyu's in a boy group, he raps, he does not sing at all. So it was kinda funny listening to him sing like that.
"We're here!" Mingyu yelled in joy.
We were sat at our table and ordered our food so I thought it was best for us to bring up dates for our wedding.
"Mingyu, I've been thinking and.." I could see him trembling in fear like I was going to say something that would hurt him. Hmm wonder what that was about.. "..when shall we get married?" I smiled and he sighed out of..relief I guess..
"Urmm I dunno, in a couple of months? But first we need an engagement party! And it has to be beautiful just like you!"He suggested and blushed slightly.
"Hmmm..yeah that's actually a really good idea. Let's do that. So when shall we have the party then?" I asked.
"How about this Saturday?"
"Yeah that's great!" I clapped my hands together drawing attention to us. I chuckled awkwardly apologising to the public.

Amy's P.O.V

Well Jenny's left me to babysit with Hansol and Becky. There's nothing really for me to do as Hansol and Becky are handling everything.
I rushed towards the door before Becky and Hansol could even get there. I opened the door to see a very attractive guy around my age. His jet black hair drooped over his dark brown eyes. And his dress sense was on point. He wore black skinny jeans with a white t-shirt and a woolly grey cardigan that hung off him. There was another a cute guy next to him but I wasn't as attracted to him as his friend.
"Annyeonghaseyo, we're here to see Jenny." Annyeonghaseyo?! What does that mean again? Oh yeah I know what it means Jenny taught me!
"Hello!" I covered my mouth in embarrassment. Why do I always think out loud?!
"Ermm sorry about that I'm Amy her childhood best friend and she's not in, she's on a date. And you are?" I explained, introduced and questioned them. Yeaaaah, all three at once.
"Oh I'm Jungkook, Jenny's best friend in the present and this is Jimin (hyung). Oh okay do you have any idea when she'll back?" He asked politely and winked at me when he said 'in the present' . I rolled my eyes.
"Ermm I'm not sure but I can take a message from you to her if you'd like?"
"Err no, it's okay I'll call her later on. Any anyway thanks and bye, see you later." He smiled and he was gone. Why do I have butterflies in my stomach? He's just a guy who's really cute and adorable. Uggh damn do I have a crush?

----A few hours later----
Mingyu's P.O.V

"Guys we're back home!" Jenny yelled from the top of her lungs. We walked in to see everyone asleep on sofas lightly snoring. It was only four in the afternoon why are they so tired? Jenny and I looked at each other with mischief in our eyes..
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I sniggered looking at Jenny with a grin. She nodded her head slowly and ran upstairs.
A few minutes later, she came down with different coloured sharpies and clapped lightly so it wouldn't make any noise. I took half the sharpies heading over to Becky and Jenny towards Amy. We thought we'd do Hansol last together so it would be evened out and plus we couldn't draw on Taemin cause that's just cruel. I drew a unibrow, a moustache a goatee and some random things on her face. She twitched slightly but she didn't wake up thank god. Jenny looked at me raising her thumb signalling that she was finished so then we tiptoed towards Hansol who was mumbling something in his sleep.
"Mmm please hyung, leave me alone." Hansol waved his hands in the air like he was trying hit someone. I silently chuckled but Jenny shot her head at me giving me the shhh we're gonna get caught look. Stopping my laughter, I started to write things on Hansol's face and Jenny got her lipstick and mascara out giving him a makeover with my writing besides it.
--A few minutes later--

We thought it would be best if we "walked in" from our date so they wouldn't suspect us at all. Rushing to the front door, I opened it and slammed it to cause a big sound. They all started to rub their eyes except Hansol and got up. "You guys back, already?" Amy yawned then shooting her head at Becky, laughing. "Omg Becky look at your face. You got a moustache and unibrow."
"Well you've got the word PABO written on your forehead!" Becky exclaimed while giggling.
Jenny and I tried to contain our laughter but couldn't hold it in for longer.
"What's the commotion all about? I was having a nice nap as well!" Hansol moaned popping out from nowhere. We all turned to Hansol, bursting into laughter and tears.
"What, do I have something on my face?" Hansol said cautiously touching his face.
"Look in the mirror!" Jenny laughed while gripping onto my shirt and Hansol ran towards the bathroom. I can't believe they didn't blame us sat all that's so weird.. Wait, what if they're planning for revenge already? OMO! I doubt it.


I seriously thought she was going to break up with me when she said she wanted to tell me what she was thinking. I was shivering I fear mentally begging her not to break up with me, not now, not after three years of our relationship. But thank god she was thinking about the dates of our wedding. I really don't know what I'd do without her. She's beautiful inside and out. I don't even know how I met such an amazing girl like her.

Aww poor Mingyu. But the sharpies though 😂
Anyway how'd you guys like that?!
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Saranghae 😘

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