"He is not," I laughed shaking my head.

"Happens a good bit," Niall said again.

"Does not," I mumbled back.

"You fucking liar," Niall chuckled, "remember you telling me you hooked up on a plane and he offered you £120?"

I closed my eyes and sighed. I was embarrassed. Leave it to Niall to be the one to just laugh it all off.

"What?" Louis laughed, "he gave you that much to do it on a plane with him? This guy couldn't even get you a hotel room first?"

"Stop," I sighed but a small smile came across my face.

"Guess you do have business everywhere, yeah?" Louis grinned.

"Oh, stop it," I groaned.

"I'm just teasing, love," he leaned in, "wanna come join me?"


"The toilet," he shrugged.

"Are you serious?" I laughed.

He stood up slowly and looked around before whispering, "oh, come on. I'll pay you good money."

I tried to hold back my laughter as we both walked to the restrooms, several people eyeing us.

I locked the door behind us and stared at Louis. "So, what do you have in mind, Tommo? Anything specific?"

"If I give you £120 can I ask whatever I want of you?" He nearly whispered.

I tried to nod and brush off how nervous he looked.

"You're joking, right? You're not paying me to do something I do every day."

He smirked a little, "oh, this isn't something you've done yet."

I raised an eyebrow while his cheeks flushed and he looked away. "Are you embarrassed to ask me? Come on, Lou, I sucked your dick the first day I met you."

He managed to laugh a little before looking back, "I want you to fuck me."

I stood still as I read his face and could see how hard it was for him to say. "Uh, yeah, ok. Are... are you sure?"

"I'm sure," he nodded a little before leaning into me, his eyes tracing down to my lips before his lips met mine.

We both did our best in the small space we had to get our pants down. I bent Louis over the toilet immediately before running my tongue down both cheeks. I held his hips still as I dove in deep on him, tasting every part of him.

"This wasn't part of the plan," he moaned out low.

"I make up the other rules," I replied and went back to fingering him slowly while my tongue traced over him.

I stood up and spread him open and began inching into him, Louis completely losing it and biting his knuckles.

"You alright?" I asked quietly as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm... I'm fucking amazing," he managed to reply as I began going slow, my lips tracing over his neck and ear, "fuck, Harry."

"You feel amazing," I whispered into his ear before I ran my lips down his neck and shoulder.

I thrusted into him harder and harder, Louis still biting his knuckles in an attempt to stay silent. It was hard for both of us.

His hand grabbed my hair, "fuck me like you mean it, Styles."

He knew exactly how to push my buttons. I held his hips tight as I pounded into him, my release only seconds away.

I bit down on his neck when I came and he did his best to steady himself against the toilet. I lay my head on his shoulder and rode out the reminiscences of the high.

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