Chapter 32 - Kiss me in the Rain

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Authors note: I really like it when you guys comment because I like seeing your reactions!! So if you ever have anything to say about a certain part in this chapter, feel free to comment! Thank you:)


(Dean's POV)

I went out and started walking down the sidewalk with my crutches. Cars filled the sides, obviously belonging to those who are at the party. It's pretty dark out, so it's a good thing there are street lamps. I looked up into the sky and the moon isn't anywhere to be seen, probably hidden by clouds.

Why do I feel jealous? I have Lisa, and I barely even know Castiel. I don't understand any of this...

I continue walking down the street, eventually ending up at some park.

I look at my watch and notice that I've been walking for almost forty minutes.

I walk through the parking lot and see that there's a big open field so I go down there.

"Some space to myself," I say, carefully going down the hill this park and parking lot is on. If I slipped, I'd probably be screwed. Don't want to break my other leg.

"How'd you break the other one, Dean!?" Someone would ask me.

"I fell.."

People would think I'm a dumbass for breaking both legs. But in all fair honesty, my broken leg was from a car accident, so it wasn't my fault. So if I some how accidentally broke the other, it wouldn't be that bad. Well I mean sure I'd have a broken leg but people wouldn't really be allowed to make fun of me because of what happened to my already broken one. It's been healing slow, but at least it's healing.
Doctors say I can get the cast off within two weeks, but then I'll have to have
a brace. I'll get to walk on it too.

I sit down in the grass, thankful that it hasn't rained because then I wouldn't be able to sit here.

I looked around me, and then up at the night sky. I lay back, crossing my arms under my head for support.

The sky is filled with stars, and the trees shake a little from a small breeze. But I'm fine after that. As long as it doesn't rain tonight, I'll be fine. It's not supposed to, but you never know; clouds could change their minds. But let's pray they don't. Rain wouldn't be good 'cause of my crutches. That would be dangerous.

After a few minutes, I decide I should probably somehow find a way back home. So I slowly get up, having to put a little pressure on the broken leg. But only for a second so I can get up. But as soon as I get up, it's starts sprinkling rain.

"Of course it's starting to rain," I say to myself, groaning.

The rain comes down more, not sprinkling but now drips and drops.
I slowly make my way up a part of the hill that isn't too steep for me and these damn crutches.

But the rain pours down harder, causing the grass to get wet and muddy. As soon as I reach the top, one my crutches goes in the wrong place, causing me to slip and fall down the muddy hill.


I try to get up, but the grass is drenched. And now so am I. I'm all wet and muddy thanks to the rain. Only one of the crutches came down with me. The other was still up near where I fell. With the one crutch, I manage to get back onto my feet.

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