Chapter 11 - Gabriel Novak

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**The next Day (Sunday)**

(Gabriel's POV)

Having Sam in my life was pretty great. When I had kissed him a while back, before he knew I was gay, I was afraid I had lost him. It was stupid but also it was good because now we are together.

Sam Winchester. The tall boy, with brown hair, and beautiful hazel eyes. He had absolutely completely stolen my heart. But Sam isn't the whole 'lovey-dovey type' so I never did anything too gushy or too romantic or anything because I know he'd feel embarrassed. The most I've done for him is buy him a stuffed moose because that's what we all called him sometimes; moose. Just because he's awkwardly pretty tall. Almost as tall as Dean, and Dean is older. Sam looks like he's Dean's age, it's crazy. I'm kind of short compared to Sam, not by much though. But I do feel like the girl in this relationship.

"How's it going with you and Saaaam?" My brother Ezequiel asks me.

Him and I are sitting down eating breakfast, and Sam was still in up in my bed because he spent the night. It was only like 9 am on and Sam hates getting up earlier. But I didn't expect for him to come down soon.

"Shut up Zeke," I roll my eyes at him. He shrugs and just walks away.

I used to get bullied for being gay, it really sucked. So did Castiel. And Zeke always felt the need to tease us to death whenever we liked someone, it was annoying. The first born, freshman in college, the only straight son that my mom has, and probably her favorite too. I'm the youngest, obviously, but it's just us three. Zeke, Castiel, and myself. My mom has been taking care of us all on her own since when I was born. That's when our father walked out on her. I hate him for doing that, even though I've never met him.

Anyways, yeah Castiel and I used to get bullied for being gay, but it wasn't long. It smoothed down and people eventually stopped, but no one really likes us much. I think since Castiel and Dean are together, more people like Castiel now. Which is nice. He didn't have many friends before. Now things are changing.

Sam makes me happy. Happier than I've been in a long time. People were a bit nicer to me now, but not much has changed. But as long as he's with me, then I'm happy, and I don't care what others think.

I start to eat a bowl of cereal and just eat there in silence, looking at the comics when I here Zeke yell "WAKEY WAKEY SAM!!"

Oh god...

I run over to the stairs and run up them and make my way down the hall. Zeke runs out of my room laughing.

"Sorry little bro! I had to!" He laughs and runs into his room.

I walk into my room and Sam is on the ground, with his shirt soaked.

"Oh my gosh, Sam!" I run over to him.

"It's fine, Gabe." He tells me. He begins to take off his shirt as he says "your brother is an asshole sometimes though."

When his shirt is all the way off, it was hard not to stare.

For a freshman, he was pretty fit.


"What?" Sam chuckles.

"What?" I repeated his word.

"You just said damn," this time he laughs.

"Oh crap.. I didn't mean to say that out loud."

Sam just bursts into a hard laughter and I grin. That was a bit embarrassing..

I go and get a shirt out of my dresser and give it to him to put on.

"Thanks," Sam says and then kisses me.

"No problem." I kiss him back. Every kiss was a new firework going off, it was truly incredible.

We go downstairs and he makes some food. My cereal had gotten gross so I dump it out and just make some toast.

"So, how are things with Dean and Castiel?" I ask. I didn't know much about what was going on lately. I just knew that they had gotten together officially.

"They seem good," Sam sits down with his bowl of cereal. "I'm just glad he's found someone who makes him happy right now." He takes a bite of his cereal.

"Right now?" I question.

"Oh, uh nothing.." He looks down and takes another bite.

"Sam what do you mean?"

"It's nothing Gabe, don't worry bout it."

"Well I want to know, Sam!"

"Fine.." He sets down his spoon and looks at me. "Our dad went away for a while, who knows how long, maybe a couple months, so when he gets back, it's going to be different. My dad is a homophobe.. That's what he didn't want Dean to hangout with Castiel.."

"Do you think Dean will break up with him when your guys' dad gets back?" I hated to ask that, because I know how much Castiel likes Dean, and if they broke up, it would break his heart. Wait but if Dean breaks up with Castiel..would Sam break up with me?

"No I'm just saying it will be harder, and different.." He takes a bite of his food but doesn't look at me.

"Will the same happen to us?" I didn't really want to hear the answer much.

Sam looks at me, "I hope not."

Sam and I didn't talk much of that stuff anymore, because we didn't want to have anything negative in our relationship right now that would jeopardize us.

After Sam and I ate our breakfast, we went to go work on our homework.

"Ugh I hate school," Sam says, a textbook open in his lap now.

"I do too," I laugh, I sit next to him and open my notebook to my math homework.

"Can't we just like, maybe, make out instead?" He raises both his eyebrows at me.

I giggle, "Sam we have to do our homework."

He sighs big and goes back to reading his textbook. "Can we make out after then?"

I reach my hand out to his face and bring his lips to mine and then kiss his nose. "Yes, we can"

Sam grinned and we both went back to our homework.


Sorry this chapter kind of sucked.. I didn't know what to write but I wanted to have it be a bit of Sabriel. Hope you liked it. Chapter 12 soon. (:

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