Chapter 15: I Want You To Come Find Me

Start from the beginning

"I don't care." My lips curved and I attached my lips to hers again.

Violet pulled back an inch. "Well, you should." She gripped the lapels of my suit, "Because if I get dismissed, I'm taking you down with me."

"I'm so scared." I said flatly.

She laughed and slid a hand to the back of my neck. Our lips met again, but not long enough it felt.

"I thought you were at lunch by the way."

"I forgot my wallet. Now you just reminded me how hungry I am." She laughed lightly.

"I'll take you to lunch."

"No, you don't have to do that-"

"I want to." I stepped around her to get to the door. I cracked it open long enough to see if the hallway was clear. After one person rounded the corner and disappeared, I walked out and Violet came out after me.

She closed the door and I smoothed my hands down the front of my suit. As I started walking, Violet fell into step next to me. We took the elevator down to the main floor and walked to the employee parking garage.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked as I pulled out onto the main road.

"Um...What about Mark's? I've been craving his burgers since the last time we were there."

"Is your mom working today?"

"Yeah, she works full time now so she could quit one of her jobs."

Sometimes I forgot about the troubles Violet faces everyday. Then sometimes I feel so damn bad and I just wish there was something I could do to help. I feel like that all the time actually. I just don't want her to lose her smile. And if I could help keep it, then I'll do anything. "That's good." I said softly and freed a secured hand on the steering wheel to grab hers. Our fingers intertwined and I gave her palm a gentle squeeze.

We reached Mark's and I parked on the empty side of the building. Violet got out first and I followed her up to the door. As we entered, the hostess smiled bright. "Hi, Violet." She walked around the podium and gave her a hug.

"Hi, Lyssa." Violet hugged her back. "I didn't know you were working today."

Violet took a step back. "Teacher work day and Dad needed help."

"Where's Jen?"

She sighed. "Probably with Nic." Then she looked at me and smiled, "Who's your friend?"

Violet glanced at me and back to the girl. "Oh, this is James. He's kind of my boss?" Violet looked over her shoulder and smiled. "And James, this is Mark's daughter Alyssa."

I smiled at Alyssa and nodded once. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too." Her brown eyes lit up when she looked back to Violet. "So table for two then?"

Violet nodded and Alyssa grabbed two menus. We followed her to the left, down a row of booths until she came to a stop in front of one. I slid in on one side and Violet slid across. "I'll go tell your mom you're here."

"Thank you."

After Alyssa left, Violet looked over at me. "I hope this isn't weird."

I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion and leaned over the table on my forearms. "Of course it's not weird. Why would you think that?"

She shrugged. "I just want to make sure. I just never know what you're thinking."

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