Halloween Special

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Happy Halloween everyone! I thought I'd write a special chapter in honor of my absolute Holiday!!

Comments, votes, and follows are appreciated! Enjoy!

"Daddy, you look funny!" the little seven-year-old boy giggled.

Alice laughed and rumpled his hair, looking over at Jeff, who was currently dressed up as the joker.

"It fits, now I can call you Joker as much as I want!" Alice laughed.

"Nuuuu! Why?" Jeff whined as he dramatically fell to his knees.

"Because Harley said so!" Alice replied.

Jeff groaned.

"Now Liu, why don't you go get your costume on and show Daddy what we got, Kay?" Alice asked the little boy.

She watched as the small, blonde boy raced to his room.

"I still can't believe you made me wear this." Jeff groaned.

"Deal with it Joker or Harley is gonna go all batman on your ass!" Alice giggled.

"Damn, but at least you look sexy in that costume." Jeff said eyeing her.

Alice was about to whack his arm when Liu ran back in. Jeff smiled, a genuine smile. Liu had dressed up as a reaper with a scythe.

Jeff walked over and poked the tip of the scythe with his finger, drawing a small amount of blood.

"Sharp." was his only comment.

Liu had been born with Jeff's love for killing. It took a while to get used to it, but Alice managed.

"You do know that you don't have to come with us if you don't want to." Jeff offered.

"And miss Halloween! You, Mr. Joker, are even more insane than I originally thought you were." she replied.

He just smiled.

"Now let's go before the others beat us there!" Alice said before walking out to the car.

~Le time skip~

The car slowly came to a halt as Jeff parked the car in front of a house. Alice smiles as she saw her parents walk out the door and walk to the car.

Alice looked out of her window and smiled as her parents climbed into the car.

"You guys ready?" Jeff asked.

Liu nodded eagerly and Alice's parents looked a little less eager.

"Don't worry you two, they aren't going to hurt you...I hope."he muttered.

Alice rolled her eyes and Jeff backed out of the driveway.

~Le Time skip~


Alice watched as they pulled in front of a mansion. A tall figure stood in front without a face, tendrils swaying behind his back.

Alice swallowed, the man had agreed to let them live but he still scared her.

They all climbed out of the car and Jeff ran forward. A large, red husky charged towards him. Alice watched as Jeff yelled out,"Smile!" and was tackled by the dog. She couldn't help but smile as Liu walked forward and started playing with the dog.

Eventually things calmed down and Jeff finally introduced everyone at the mansion to the girl he fell in love with, the human soul who stole his heart.

Eventually night came and the Halloween party started. There was music, food, and even some 'grown up juice.' Liu just giggled and chased Sally around in a game of tag. Jeff was with a few buddies who were playing beer pong. Slenderman was trying to keep the drunk pastas from destroying his furniture and puking on the carpet.

In the end, Liu never caught Sally, Jeff puked on Smile, and Slender gave in and started drinking only to regret is as Jeff had doodled on his face.  

BEN had been duct taped to a wall, E.J.'s mask was pink, L.J. was also found hanging from the fan.

It was a very eventful Halloween.

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