Anxiously Waiting

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Meh I'm lazy...

And a few quick questions!

If I were to write another CP fanfic, would you read it?  And If I were to write another CP fanfic, who would you want it to be about? (I'm thinking EJ, Masky, or Toby ^.^)

Vote, comments, and follows are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

~Jeff's POV~

I paced back and forth in the woods wondering if she would show up or not. I checked my watch and saw that it was only 9:57. 

Maybe she isn't coming...

I pushed the thought out of my mind and continued to pace back and forth. I heard a twig snap and i whipped around towards the noise.

"Hoodie, get your ass out here." I growled.

He walked out from behind a tree. He wore his normal attire, which is his trademark hoodie and skii mask. 

"What are you doing, following me?" I demanded.

"Wanted to see for myself..." he spoke, just loud enough that I could hear.

"See what!?" I snapped, already knowing the answer.

"If you really did fall for a human girl." He answered.

I sighed in frustration.

What was so weird about me liking a girl?! It isn't exactly uncommon for us to fall for humans!

"Let me guess, EJ told you?" I asked.

He nodded.

I started mumbling under my breath about all the different ways I would torture and kill him.

"All I wanted to do was meet her. I promise that I won't hurt her in any way, shape, or form. I'm just curious." he said.

"Fine, I'll introduce you to her, then you leave." I grumbled.

Switching the topic, I asked him where Masky was. The two never seemed to separate.

"He's asleep back at the mansion, I left a note saying that I was out to get some more cheesecake." he answered.

"Mhmm..." I trailed as I resumed pacing.

"Why were you pacing, if I may ask?" he inquired.

I looked at my watch, 10:03. She's late.

"I'm not sure if she is coming, I left a note saying for her to meet me here if she wasn't too angry with me." I explained.

He leaned against a tree,"Why was she angry with you?"

"She kinda hasn't gotten past me trying to kill her..." I trailed, rubbing the back of my neck unintentionally.

"Dude, Have you ever tried just talking to her?" he asked.

"Yeah, but she keeps on shutting me out." I growled.

"Ever try doing something nice?" he asked again.

"I got her roses and bought her coffee, but that didn't work." I sighed.

"Just be you, maybe she'll open up to you eventually." he offered,"Just don't screw up."

I didn't respond and continued to pace back and forth for what seemed like hours...

I hope she decided to come...

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