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ERG SCHOOL AND FAMILY N STUFFS! PRAISE THE ONE WHO INVENTED CAFFEINE! O_o After school gets out imma sleep for a week straight, aint nobody got time for socialness :P really long chapter. And the usual, comment vote and follow me. I'll stalk those who stalk me :D

Alice tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she say his twisted, insane face. Every time she was in the dark, she could hear him lurking in the shadows. Every time she saw something move, it was him coming to kill her.

Alice sighed in frustration, she hadn't slept at all for the past 3 days and it was starting to get to her.

She decided she had had enough and threw the covers off and got up, still in her clothes. Alice had pajamas, but if she was tired enough she would flop in bed, not caring whether or not she was wearing them.

She passed the mirror and looked at herself.

A teenage wreck.

She was still wearing the same lime green shirt that she had worn for nearly 3 days and a pair of torn up skinny jeans.

Her hair was sticking up in every direction. She had dark brown bags under her eyes and looked like a zombie.

Alice turned around while looking at the skinny mess in the mirror copy her movements. Alice frowned looking at how painfully thin she was.

In the past weeks, she hadn't eaten much. It never crossed her mind because it was filled with the thoughts of him.

Alice shuffled into the bathroom to tame the mess of curls and slathered make-up onto her face. Then walked down the stairs and put her mint green converse on and grabbed a grey scarf before heading outside.

She walked down the driveway and looked at the empty streets that were illuminated by the street lamps. Alice turned right and started walking, trying to clear her mind.

She habitually reached for her phone but found that it wasn't there, rather, at home still sitting on her nightstand.


Alice continued to walk until slowly, the small houses grew larger and larger until they blended into small buildings and businesses and kept on walking until they blended into huge company buildings.

She passed an alley and saw something that frightened her, a man that was shoving a girl, possibly 16 or 17, into the brick walls. Her cries of help echoing off the walls along with the ones of pain. Alice saw the glint of metal hanging out of the man's blue sweatshirt.

"Hey!" she called, trying to distract the man.

Unfortunately for Alice, it worked. The man's head whipped up and stared at her, shadows covering his face. He let go of the girl, she just crumbled into a heap on the floor of the alleyway, unconscious.

The man started walking towards Alice. In fear, her eyes darted to the closest object, a brick that had been pulled out from the wall.

Alice lunged for it and grasped her hand around the brick .

By the time she had gotten up, the man was now 10 feet away, headed straight towards her.

She chucked the piece of rock towards his head and didn't stay long enough to see if it hit or not.

Alice broke into a sprint and ran down the street, her feet slapping against the pavement and her heart-beat roaring in her ears were almost enough to drown out the sound of her pursuer barreling after her, almost...

She saw the next alleyway and prayed that it wasn't a dead end.

Please, please, please...

She made a sharp right into the alley only to be met with brick walls.

Damn it, You're toast now!

Alice spun around to try to make an escape only to see the man, and for the first time, she got a good look.

He had to be over 6 feet tall. He wore a blue hoodie, black jeans, black gloves, and black shoes. His hood was up, yet brown tufts of hair still stuck out. His face was hidden behind a blue mask. Alice stared into the eye holes. They were completely black and there was something dripping out of them. She saw a scalpel in his hands.

He came closer and Alice froze, remembering one of the creepypasta stories about a man in a blue mask...

He was nearly 5 feet away before she started screaming for help.

He mouth was covered by a gloved hand and she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the pain.

But it never came...

The hand was jerked away and she gasped, opening her eyes to see something she did not expect.

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