Second Chance

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And besides that, which would you guys want me to write a fanfic about: Toby, masky, or EJ??? Leave your votes in the comments below!

Anyway! Really short chapter. Votes, comments, and follows are appreciated! Enjoy!

Alice rushed down the empty streets, she looked at the time on her phone while running.

It was already 10:12 and she was still a few blocks away.

I hope he hasn't left yet...

Alice took a deep breath through her nose and immediately regretted it. It smelled like smoke, alcohol, and sweat. She wrinkled her nose and rounded the corner, keeping up her pace and the smell grew stronger.

And that was when three men came out of the alleyway.

"Hey there beautiful."

~Jeff's POV~

"Dude, I don't think she's coming." Hoodie said, hanging upside down from a tree branch. 

"She'll come, probably just ran late." I said, sounding like I was trying to convince myself more than Hoodie.

"Yeah, right." he sighed.

I paced for a few more moments and looked at my watch again, 10:12.


"What?!" I snapped, looking up from the watch.

"Would you quit it with the pacing? You look like a love sick puppy waiting for it's master to return." he spat.

"Well..." I trailed, trying to think of a good comeback,"You act the same way when Masky is out."

"I do not!" he growled.

I was about to retort when I heard something. My head snapped up as I heard a scream.

It was Alice's.

dun Dun DUN!!! 'm so evil XD

Anyways don't forget to comment about who I should write about next! Eyeless Jack, Ticci Toby, or Masky?????

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