Breaking and Entering

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Finally got around to updating, I just got home after nearly a week of traveling around and was catching up on some animes that I have been watching recently. Expect a few more updates soon as well! As always, votes, comments, and follows are appreciated! Enjoy!

Alice laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Yet another sleepless night...

She rolled onto her side and closed her eyes, trying to sleep. After awhile, she groaned impatiently and rolled onto her other side. Closing her eyes, she tried to fall asleep, but felt as if someone was watching her. 

A feeling she was well acquainted with.

She sighed in frustration and pulled the covers off of herself, eventually rolling off of the mattress.

She shuffled over to the door and stopped, her hand hovering over the doorknob. Looking down, she remembered that she was only in her white T-shirt and undies. 

Her face grew hot at the thought of her family seeing her half naked and whipped around to grab a pair of sweatpants.

That was close...

After yanking them on she walked out into the hallway and made her way downstairs.

She walked into the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. Turning around, she saw through the doorway that the TV was still on. She walked into the living room and turned it off.

"Hey! We were watching that!" Someone cried out from behind her.

Alice yelped and jumped back, losing her footing and falling onto the floor with a soft thud.

"Ow!" she squeaked.

Rubbing her lower back, she looked at the one who startled her. To her displeasure she found Jeff lounging on the couch, a bucket of popcorn in his hands. Next to him was a Link look-a-like with black eyes and glowing red pupils.

"So is this the one you were talking about, Jeff?" the Link asked.

"Yeah." he answered.

" I see where you were coming from, she's definitely a beauty...but she kinda lacks in the base, ya know?" the Link said, observing her.

Alice immediately blushed.

 "Shut the hell up you perverted midget!" she yelled.

"Make me." he said, grinning creepily with his eyes glowing even brighter.

"J-Jeff! What the hell is going on?!" Alice screeched.

"My friend and I were watching TV like normal people when you barged in and ruined our fun." he replied.

"Ruined your fun. Ruined your fun! This is my house, my food, and my TV!!! I didn't ruin your fun, you broke into my house!" Alice yelled furiously with her small fists shaking at her sides.

"Whatever." He replied, grabbing the remote.

"Get out of MY HOUSE!" she yelled.

"On one condition." he said flicking through the channels.

"What?" she growled.

"You have to answer all of my questions." he smirked.

"Fine! What's your question!?"

"What's your favorite food?" he asked.

"W-what?" she stuttered, dumbfounded.

"Are you really that big of a blonde? He asked what your favorite food was." the evil perverted midget repeated.

Alice glared at him before spitting out a reply,"Lasagna."

"Favorite type of music?" Jeff asked.

"Pop...?" Alice replied confused.

"What's your favorite season?"







"July 22."

"How old are you?"


"Favorite game?" the Link guy piped up.

"I said I would answer his questions, not yours." Alice snorted.

"Answer it." Jeff said.

"I don't know, I used to play lots of games before you showed up. Too many to really pick one out as my favorite. But now I don't play any." she grumbled.

"Jesus, Jeff. What've you done to the poor girl? Depriving her of video games like that!" The link chastised.

He just shrugged before looking back at Alice,"Favorite drink?"

"Coffee I guess..." Alice muttered.

"Favorite time of day?"


"Favorite spot in this city?"

"Trinity Park? I don't know."

"Go on a date with me?"

"Wha..." Alice said, eyes widening.

"Great! Tomorrow at 7 PM at Trinity Park. Don't be late!" Jeff interrupted before bolting up and grabbing his friend.

"Cya then." He called to her before jumping into the TV.

"What just happened?" Alice muttered to herself, confused.

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