Chapter 142

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Sarah's POV

I sat there, just waiting for him to say something. Anything. I finally had enough of crying. I got up , and walked by the window , saying a prayer.

" God, I know i may not be the perfect Person. And i may sin, But, if there is one thing you can do for me, Please help Michael through this. He's my everything, Without him, i'm Nothing. Just pleas God, Make him say something. Anything! I love her so much.. Make it me. Make it me dying instead of him ! This .. can't...happen... " I Walked over to Michaels bed, And held his hand. When i looked at his closed eyelids , Memories of us started flooding into my head. I was smiling & Crying. Just waiting. & waiting. As i was staring at his closed eyes.. They opened. My face lit up, & my heart started pounding.

" Sarah i know i'm not going to make it... i can..feel my self dyeing ... anytime now... but.. before i go...i want to make these last words mean something... Sarah Jane Bognar... I Love...You.. " He sat up, & kissed me on my forehead.. & when he laid back down, The Machine quit.


"WHAT?! NO! CODY NO! NO NO NO NO NO ! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! MICHAEL PLEASE! MICHAEL! NOOOOOOOO! " I sat there violently shaking him , Crying, Screaming, Yelling.

"Michael...come back... please don't leave me... come back... come back! " I squeezed his hand, in an effort to bring him back to life. At that time, all the doctors & nurses cam rushing in, Doing CPR, That heart shocker thingy, Everything they could. While i was just sitting back there screaming my lungs out. While My husband was laying on that bed . Dead. All i can remember after that, was Everyone coming & Going, saying there good byes. I just stood there, not a sound, not a move, my eyes glued on the perfect face. After about half an hour, everyone was gone, expect Karen Daryl & me, still standing there like a idiot. Karen came over to me, & hugged me so tight, i felt i was going to explode.

" Come on Sarah, You need some rest.. Lets go... " She said sniffling.

" no.. he's still here, he's just sleeping.. right Michael?! Right?! Your just sleeping ! " I said running over to his bedside.

" Sarah, he's go-"

" No he's not, he's just asleep. ! "I yell

"Sarah-" Karen starts

"no. He's Just Sl-"

"SARAH, HE'S GONE. " She said nearly slapping me.

"but.. .. he can't... oh my god... Karen... what do i Do ?! " I said blankly staring in her eyes.

" the only thing left to do. Plan the funeral. " She said hugging me again.. As we walked out, i forgot to do something..

"Uhm, Karen, you go ahead, i uh.. left my purse!"

"Alright sweet pea ! Hurry up! "

I ran back to Michaels room as fast as i could. & knelt down to his bed,.

"Michael... I just want you to always know, that i Will always love you, & i'll never date another boy. Just remember. This is not a goodbye, just a see you later. " I said kissing him on his forehead, & heading out to catch up to Karen.

"so, uh, where's your purse ?" She said raising an eyebrow

" Uhm, it's... I..uh... Fine! I just had to see him one more time... " I said hanging my head .

" It's fine. I'm sure he would appreciate that. " She said lifting up my chin.

" Oh my gosh ! " I said stopping in my tracks !

"what!? what's wrong?! "

"Ellie & Connor. .. where are they? "

"Don't worry, Calum & Alli already have them at home. " She said grabbed my hand & leading out.

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