Chapter 125

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Sarah's POV

Alli runs inside the house too get Michael, it seemed like forever though.. the babies wouldn't stop..& It's WAY too earlier for them to be born now.. maybe.. I should just.. Theirs Michael.. thank GOD!

"angel, whats wrong?" Michael panics with worry all over his face

"the babies, their kicking HARRD!" I scream and cry

"want to go to the hospital?" He asks me

"no, you know how i hate them!" I cry even more

"But, baby i want you too be fine.." He says

"will you just take me upstairs then?" I ask him

"sure darling, anything for you." He says he picks me up & takes me upstairs & lays me down

"are you feeling better?" He asks me

"a little bit, baby.. have you thought of a name for the boy?" I ask him

"well i was thinking lil, & his middle name Michelangelo .. you like?"

"Michael, i'm being serious..!"

"well, fine baby.. i was thinking of Connor... Connor.. Lee.."he says and my insides melt of his cuteness

"ahw, baby. Thats the cutest name ever!"

"Yeah, not as cute as yours though so, have you thought of our girl baby's name?" He asks me

"oh, shut up.. & yeah! uhm, Ellie May.." I say

"Sweetheart, thats adorable.. i can't wait for our little mini Clifford's.." He laughs

Michaels POV

Sarah rubbed her stomach & made a face, "whats wrong baby, are you okay?" i asked her

"yeah, they just kicked it was probably Connor, hes tough.. hahah" she laughs ahh, how I loved my baby's sense of humor.

"haha,"I reached in and gave her a passionate kiss, which lead a little too far, until she stopped me.."whats wrong baby?"i ask her

"nothing.." She mumbles

"tell me now Sarah Jane!" I say sternly

"I think hurts way too much..." She Cry's

"let's go baby, I can't stand seeing you in pain." I say

Sarah's POV

Next thing i knew me & Michael were on our way too the doctor..

*At the doctors*

Doctor : Hmm, i'm sorry Mrs. Bognar, but it looks like only one baby is going to be able to survie.

"What!? what do you mean?! why can't they both make it?" I cry

Doctor : Well, it seems you don't have enough room in your stomach, One baby keeps kicking the other.

"Is there anyway that we can save both of them?" Michael asks

Doctor : Well, we could get her to have them early, then you might save it.

"Okay, how early ?" Michael asks again

Doctor : 2 or 3 months from now.

"Well can you make them stop kicking?!" I ask

Doctor : Nope. Sorry. they have to use there feet somehow. Well, that's about all we can do here, Come back, if it gets to much to handle.

"Alright thanks." Michael says

we rode home in silence. When we got home, i just went up stairs, and cried to myself.

Ends With You (Continued) (A Michael Clifford FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now