chapter 114

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Sarah's POV

The machines went quiet, they couldn't read her pulse, her heartbeats....nothing. There was nothing left. I didn't cry. No. I broke apart. I didn't even realize I hit the floor until my skull connected with it. It didn't even hurt, it made me laugh. Was I going insane? I got to my feet with the help of Michael and watched as the doctors started working slower and slower. There was nothing they could do for her.

Talk to her....

Something told me. Now I was hearing voices? I decided to trust these voices and before I knew it my feet were carrying me towards her lifeless body. I grabbed her bony hands and felt life. She wasn't dead, but close to it. I leaned down and whispered in her ear.

" It's not your time baby come back to us now. You can do it.....just open your eyes. And we'll be here. Your stronger then you think."

I heard a beep.

" See. You can do it. Give me another beep."

Two beeps.

Her mother and father stood up in a last hope, watching on as I tried to bring their daughter back to life.

" Cassidy... remember what it feels like to play piano? You can feel those keys under your fingers again if you just open your eyes."

Four beeps.

I didn't dare look at the heart monitor for fear of scaring the beeps away.

" Give her back to us God. It's not her time."

Six beeps.

And her eyelids fluttered. I felt her finger twitch.

"" Cassidy whispered hoarsely.

" are." I said, tears of overwhelming joy filling my eyes. The doctors were all wearing astonished looks, but her parents were holding each other and sobbing, and Michael....well he just had that " I'm proud of you baby" look on his face.

1 week later.........

We put our luggage above our seats on the plane and settled down into our first class seats. We had to leave a week after Cassidy got better. Michaels work was calling and I was severely homesick. We both were. Everyone was so excited to see us, I had a feeling there was gonna be some kind of surprise party when we got home knowing mine and Michaels family, and our friends. After the night of Cassidy's resurrection she got better in a time of 3 days. Her skin regained all it's color and there was no traces of cancer what so ever. It was a miracle.

" It's so amazing to be going back home." Michael sighed, laying his head back on the first comfortable chair we'd be on in a month.

" is." I snuggled into him, preparing for the long flight home

Michael POV

When I woke up again we were flying over Mellbourne....only a couple more hours until I get to see my mum again. And Matt, Calum, luke, ash, Celine, Makayla, Alli, Tom and everyone I love. It had been way to long. I was suddenly aware of hair tickling my face and I looked down to find this beautiful girl sleeping in my arms, oh yeah my soon to be fiancé. I had it planned already. I knew when I was gonna propose. I just hoped and prayed she would say yes.

2 hours later.....

" Wake up darling." I shook her gently, kissing the top of her head.

" I love it when you call me darling." she mumbled, waking up. I chuckled softly as she stretched and turned so she was facing me. She gave me a small but meaningful kiss and stole the hat off my head.

"Fasten your seatbelts and put your tray tables up folks we are about to land."

" Eeep!" Sarah squealed from beside me, kicking her legs like a little kid. I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

" I can't wait to get off this thing! Cmon cmon cmon!"

" Chill dont break the seat." As soon as the plane had come to a stop Sarah- threw off her seatbelt and scrambled to get our luggage. I think she's excited to see everyone again.

Sarah's POV

To say I was excited would be an understatement. It was like I hadn't been home in forever, I missed everyone WAY to much. They were all waiting out there for us. Only a matter of minutes till I saw their freaking beautiful faces again. Of course Michael was moving 2 miles per hour getting his stuff.

" Could you go any slower?"

" Want me to try?" he teased.

" NO! Hurry!" I said, jumping up and down.

" I'll hurry if you stop doing that."

" Well fine then mr. Grumpy pants." I stuck my tounge out at him.

" What am I gonna do with you?" he said sarcastically, finally hurrying to get his bags.

The terminal seemed to go on forever and people weren't moving out of my way fast enough. I grabbed Michaels hand and wove our way through the crowds.

" Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon us." was all Michael could say as I bumped into countless people, but it all paid off when I saw that long brown hair and the taller boy next to her, and the little shortie next to a long brown haired girl.

" ALLI!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She turned around quickly and her eyes lit up.

" SARAH!!!!!!" She screamed 10 times louder. The whole airport had stopped to stare at us as we took of sprinting towards each other. I jumped into her arms, careful not to hit her stomach....just in case. When I hit her arms I started bawling.

" I missed you so much!" I cried happy tears.

" I missed you a bazillion times more!" she was crying now to.

" Sarahhhhhh!" Celine yelled, joining the group hug, then Makayla joined in.

" Alright alright now it's big brothers turn."

" Calum!" I laughed. He picked me up and swung me around a couple times.

" Show off." Luke scoffed playfully.

" You'll get your chance Lucas don't worry." I ruffled his hair, embracing him when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

" Can't forget my best friend since kindergarten now could I?" I squeezed ashton to death while little hands tugged on my shirt.

" Sarahhh! Sarahhh!" Tom begged me to hold him. I picked him up and kissed his nose like I always do and he giggled.

" Cliffords home!" he laughed.

" Yea Cliffords home."

After all the happy tears and breath taking hugs, matt and Karen offered to carry my bags back to the car.

" How was your trip?" Matt asked, pulling my bags behind him.

" Yeah not that fun considering I watched my cousin die then come back to life." I laughed lightly.

" True. True." he chuckled, loading our stuff into the tour bus.

" Where are we going and why are we taking the tour bus?" I asked.

" Home. And because that's the only car we all fit in." Karen informed me, unlocking the bus doors as Jeff held back screaming girls, I was so used to it by now I hardly noticed.

Ends With You (Continued) (A Michael Clifford FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now