Chapter 107

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Michaels POV

I didn't like the fact of her leaving with that boy. Alone. But I trusted her with my whole heart and I couldn't tell her what to do. I knew she wouldn't do anything with him, it was him I was worried about, but she was a big girl. She didn't always need me to protect her. I picked my guitar back up and gently strummed it, humming one of my favourite songs.

I had a hundred dollar ring in my hand

So weak and tired i could barely stand

From being up all night, prayin' she'd say yes

So with a hopeful heart i hit one knee

With a tear in her eye she looked at me

It was the moment of truth, i was scared to death

My life hung on what that tear meant

Then she smiled at me

And I lost it

No one can make me cry

Make me laugh

Make me smile

Or drive me mad like she does

It's like a curse that is the cure

Better or worse, one thing's for sure

It's real love and I don't know what I'd do

If I lost it

Well the honeymoon ended and life began

Jobs and bills, losing touch with friends

And that apartment got smaller every day

Then one night the walls finally closed in

I came home late, she said where've ya been

You used to call and tell me you're on your way

She said if this is how it's gonna be, then I quit

She walked out the door

I lost it

No one can make me cry

Make me laugh

Make me smile

Or drive me mad like she does

It's like a curse that is the cure

Better or worse, one thing's for sure

It's real love and I don't know what I'd do

If I lost it

I picked myself up off the floor

She walked back through the door

And we made love like it was the first time

No one can make me cry

Make me laugh

Make me smile

Or drive me mad like she does

It's like a curse that is the cure

Better or worse, one thing's for sure

It's real love and I don't know what I'd do

If I lost it

Oh, if I lost it

I don't wanna lose it

It was true. I didn't want to loose her.... ever. I walked back into my room and opened the secret pocket in my suitcase, taking out the ring. The sunlight streaming in from the balcony hit it just right, lighting up the diamond and casting sparkles on the wall from the reflection. I had brought it just in case the time was right to propose. I felt like it was but I knew it was just to keep her from Tom and I didn't want to do that, I wanted to see what she would do in this situation. So I was going to wait. I put the ring back in the pocket, zipped it up and went to get ready for the hospital.

Sarah's POV

On our way to the hospital an eerie silence fell over us, I think we were all dreading seeing her laying in the hospital with needles and wires hooked to her. Her parents told us she still had her hair but some of it had fallen out because of the cancer treatments, but she did have needles and wires in her. I wasn't paying attention to the pointless chatter of the radio, but I was lost in the memories I had of Cassidy. The time we were two and made the huge Christmas tree fall, her birthday party when she was 8 how she got a pony and it ate all her cake, but most of all her playing the piano. Whenever I came to visit she played me at least one song and it was always so beautiful, it sounded as if angels played along with her. I used to think it was impossible that only one set of hands were sliding across the keys. I wonder if they had a piano in the hospital chapel for her to play....or if she even had the strength to anymore. I heard that lung cancer took a lot out of you.

" Were here." her dad said, breaking my flashbacks.

The room was completely white. The furniture in it was dark cherry wood, it made your eyes hurt just looking at it. The hospital she was in was a high class hospital, and the rooms were pretty big. Hers had a 32 inch flat screen, and it was playing Pretty Little Liars, her favorite show. A tear sprang up into my eye but I wiped it away before she could see. She was laying in her hospital bed, her IV drip right next to it, and I had to grab Michaels hand for support, I could barely hold myself up.

" Sarah!" She gasped, sitting up to quickly for my liking. Her IV string threatened to come out of her arm and I swallowed the lump in my throat, I didn't do needles very well.

" I missed you so much." I said, hugging her tight. I noticed how frail she had become and it only made the sinking feeling in my stomach worse, but I didn't show it.

Michaels POV

As the girls talked, Tom took a seat next to Cassidy's bed and talked with them. I had never seen Cassidy before, only in Facebook pictures, but they didn't do her justice, she was beautiful. Even though the cancer had taken it's toll on her and made her frail and skinny she was still really pretty, of course she was nothing compared to Sarah, no one even held a candle up to Sarah in my eyes.

" And this is Michael, I'm sure you know him." I heard Sarah say. I watched her as she turned around and I knew no one but me could see it, but her smile was fake. Her eyes told me a different story, she was ready to break down and cry on my shoulder, she was holding it together for her cousin. I went to go sit beside her and meet her cousin who turned out to be a big fan.

Sarah's POV

I told Cassie I would be right back, I was going to the cafeteria, but I wasn't hungry at all. Michael came with me and halfway down the hallway I started bawling my eyes out.

" Come on Sarah hold it together for a little longer." he whispered, leading me down another hallway. He opened up a door that lead to a peaceful looking room, there was no one here but us.

" Are we supposed to be in here?" I asked Michael, sitting on a couch.

" Yes, it's for visitors." he whispered, fixing my hair. My tears had plastered it to my neck and face, and he was gently getting it off.

" Thank you." I whispered, though tears still fell.

" Sarah it's gonna be alright." he said, kissing my forehead.

" I hope so.... I really do." I whispered, leaning into him.

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