Chapter 103

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By the way it's Christmas Eve in the story:

Michaels POV

"......And that's when I woke up." I finished explaining the dream.

" Oh Michael!" she said, crawling over to me and sitting in my lap, facing me. "You never have to worry about that! I would NEVER do that to you!"

" I know beautiful, now you tell me your dream." I whispered, moving hair away from her face.

Sarah's POV

" was a horrible feeling." I finished. I averted my eyes away from Michaels but he tilted my chin back towards him.

" Baby you don't ever have to worry about that. I love you and only you....not Alli. I haven't ever looked at her in more then a sisterly way." he promised me, speaking softly.

" I know." I smiled. We kissed for a few minutes but then I pulled away.

" And Michael.... I'm really sorry for acting like that. You must have a good reason for it even though you can't tell me right now."

" Thank you Sarah." he said, holding me tight.

" I think we should go back to sleep now." I yawned, snuggling up to Michael.

" I think so to." Michael smiled, leaning over and turning off the lights.

In the morning I got ready to go Christmas shopping with the girls, the guys were going to the mall while we were going to the shopping center.

" Are yall ready!?" I called to the other girls.

" Yeah almost!" they called back. I was waiting in the living room with Michael, who was ready also.

" I already have most of your gifts babe." he winked.

" Thanks baby." I laughed, kissing him on the cheek. The girls came down the stairs with the boys trailing behind them.

" Let's do this thing." Ashton said, looking in the shopping mood.

" I mostly have all my shopping done." Michael winked at me.

" Well Mr. Big Shot." Luke teased him.

" Girls like it when you get their Christmas presents early."

" Well we can't all be as swageriffic as Michael so might as well not even try."

" Damn right." Michael laughed, flipping his hair.

" Alright boys settle down, let's just get shopping already." Celine herded us all out the door.

Me and the girls were SUPPOSE to be going shopping but in truth we already had the guys gifts so we just went out to lunch at Fridays.

" What did you get Calum, Alli?" I asked her as I took a bite of my salad.

" I hope he likes it, I got him a new phone cover, among other things."

" Of course he's gonna like it babe, you customized it and the picture is of you in a bikini stop worrying!" Celine said.

" What did you get Michael?" Makayla asked me.

" Well the special gift I got him was a guitar he's being dying to have because he had seen it but already spent all his allowance that week on me so I felt bad and bought him it. But I got him everything on his list, it wasn't very long but at the bottom of it he put You with a little winky face."

" Oh how cheesy." Celine laughed.

" Yeah he can be cheesy but I like cheesy guys, and don't tell me ashton can't be cheesy. I've known him since year 3. He can get pretty cheesy."

" Yeah that's true." Celine laughed. The waiter came by, gave us our bill and we paid and left to go home and warp the gifts and bake.

While the other girls were upstairs wrapping I was downstairs baking brownies and cookies. We had only been home for about 25 minutes when the boys came back.

" WERE HOME!" Calum shouted.

" I'm in the kitchen and the girls are upstairs wrapping gifts. Ashton fletcher Irwin don't you walk up those stairs!"

" WHAT!? How did you know!? You can't even see me!" he sounded surprised.

" I just know you." I laughed. Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and soft lips kiss my neck.

" Hey gorgeous." he whispered.

" Hi handsome." I laughed.

" Fudge brownies." He commented, sticking his finger in the bowl.

" Michael!" I smacked his hand back.

" Woops." he laughed, pretending it was an accident. Before I could get to mixing again Michael stuck his finger in the flour and wiped it on my nose.

" Your beautiful." he said. I turned around so I was facing him and laughed.

" If I had a dollar for everytime you said that, I'd be a billionaire." I scrunched my nose up at the funny feeling of flour on my nose.

" Is that a bad thing?"

" No. Not at all."

"Were done wrapping!" Alli said, coming down the stairs, all the other girls behind her. Presents were stacked miles high in their arms while they peeked around them to see where they were going.

"Need some help there?" I laughed, taking some gifts off Alli's stack.

" Jeez! What did you buy us the whole mall!" Calum said, taking one of his presents and shaking it.

"Dont shake them!" Alli smacked his shoulder.

"Sorry!" he laughed, running away. The door opened and in walked my mum. She looked really worn out, and she was sniffling. She dropped her bags on the floor and took off her scarf. The whole room dropped into silence. We all knew something was wrong, my mum usually came home with a smile on her lips ready to laugh, but not tonight.

"mum are you oky?" she didn't look at me as she took off her beanie. She was sniffling as well.

"Mum are you sick?" she looked at me with puffy red eyes. I had barely ever seen my mum cry. She was so strong, and that's when I knew something was really wrong.

" Mum what-

"Cassidy....your cousin...she has cancer."

My whole world crashed to the ground in a matter of seconds.

"W-What?" I stammered, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Were going to England right after Christmas." she sniffled, walking up the stairs without another word.

"Oh Sarah." Alli cried, hugging me. They all knew how much I loved Cassidy, she was the closest cousin I had.

" I swear there cannot be one month without drama." Michael mumbled running his hands through his hair. "I'll go re-schedule everything." Michael sighed.

I felt bad that he had to put his career on hold for me but I knew I was going to need him by my side to make it through this.

Ends With You (Continued) (A Michael Clifford FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora