Chapter 140

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Sarah's POV

Man, was that plane flight fast.? It felt like 1 hour! But it sure as heck wasn't.. We got all our bags & crap & went too our hotel by taxi. By the time we got there, the babies were sound asleep.. so I took them to bed.. I went to Michael & he was texting so I asked him who he was texting he said his old friend Dylan was in Hawaii so he wanted to go spend just a couple hours with him.. I told him go ahead & be back at 11:30 because it was only 9:15pm.. he said : "Ok, babe. Thanks SO much, make it up too you later, I promise!" he winked.. as usual.. He gave me a kiss & the babies before he left.. I started to go to sleep when I heard a vase drop & break.. what the hell, I thought..

What the hell, I thought?!

I got up too see Acacia standing there with Ellie & Connor in her hands.. I went too attack her but I thought for a second it might hurt my babies. So I talked to her..

"What the fucking hell are you doing here?! Why do you have my babies?!"

"Because if I can't have Michael no one can! I'm sorry if I told you I moved on I really didn't.. I'm not leaving here without killing someone..

"Not my babies, oh please not my babies.. get your hands off my babies bitch before I call the f---ing cops.. got it?!

"Fine," She said pulling out a gun..

"Oh my god Acacia ple---next thing I knew all I saw was black...

It was only black because Acacia locked me in the bathroom with a blindfold on me duct tape around my mouth.. she told me I could have Ellie not Connor because it reminded her of Michael.. I about killed her but I couldn't because she was on the other side of the door.... I sat there for a couple minutes listening to Acacia talk to Connor& thinking about what i'm going to do.. I finally realized the bitch wasn't smart enough to wrap up my hands.. so I took off the duct tape & the blindfold off, & hugged my babygirl, then I got up & ran too the clock it read 11:22.. oh thank god. Michaelwas on his way.. then next thing I knew... I heard the door slam.. was it acacia leaving with Connor? Or was it Michael? Oh gosh.. I started screaming & kicking the door suddenly I had the feeling it would fall so I put Ellie in the bathtub & went & tried to kick down the door, I succeeded & grabbed Ellie & ran out the bathroom door!

As I walked out of the bathroom, I looked Michael straight in the eye with Connor in his hands he had a terrified look on his face.. I went running for him.. until I saw a shadow beside the door I was about to run out of... I put Ellie down. & went to attack the person by the door of course it was Acacia so, I beat the hell out of her. I kicked her ass! I told Michael too go get Ellie & call the cops he did so. I never once stopped beating her ass up until the cops came.. luckily they knew what we've been through the past few days of our so called 'honeymoon' so they decided to NOT press charges. But... they put a restraining order on Acacia where she can't be near 50 feet near us or she gets arrested.. thank god! I decided after ALLL that drama.. I should go to sleep.. but before I could we had to get a new room, & luckily we didn't have to pay for all the damage.. acacia did! I thought that wwas pretty hilarious. Until I saw my other suite.. It was even BETTER! It was GORGEOUS! I loved it!

I put Connor & Ellie too bed with a warm bottle & blankie & ran up to Michael & jumped on him and gave him a big hug & kiss & thanked him for EVERYTHING... he interuppted me with a kiss because Iwas talking a lot, but I didn't mind.. all I cared about was that NO ONE was going to bother us now. NO ONE!

Finally after all the drama ; me & my hubby & babies could have a family vacation... yeah. Not really a honeymoon. Hah, but its fine its still amazing & a beautiful place.

Michaels POV

After we got settled into our new place.. & put the babies too sleep.. Me & Sarah decided too spend our time together cuddling & relaxing just watching chick flicks. Yeah... you guessed it. DEAR JOHN. I ended up crying in by the end of the movie.. only because it made me think of how lucky I was with the most beautiful girl with me. I love her so much, & i'd never let her go. EVER. Never again... Sarah fell asleep in my arms by the middle of the movie I didn't mind waking her.. because she slept like an angel. I started singing Beside you .. until I heard.... Ellie. I went & got her & then gave her her bottle & sat down in the rocking chair. It was the perfect father / daughter moment. I sang 'Ready Set Don't Go' by Billy Ray Cyrus too her. I loved my kids so much. & Sarah. I love my family. ♥

I woke up in the rocking chair with Ellie in my arms.. I smelled something cooking.. & I went too the kitchen. Sarah was fixing Connor food. Man.. that lil' boy & his food. Just like me.. I saw Sarah feed Connor his food.. she didn't see me staring at her until.. Ellie yelled 'Me.. mummy. I wan' someee' She held out her 'E' man.. she wasn't patient.

"I see you guys are awake!" She said taking Ellie out of my arms placing her in her seat.

"Yeah.. I smelled food... & this lil' one kept me up." I said touching Ellie's tip of her nose.

"Oh.. baby. I'm sorry. Well.. did you have a good sleep?"

"GREAT, babe." I said.. before I started coughing heavily..

'Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay"

"Can't... breathe...." I managed too say before I went straight too the floor

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