Chapter 119

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Sarah's POV

" Who's number is this?" He asked quietly, showing me the paper. OH SHIT!

"It's just a friends.." I could tell he wasn't going to buy it, but i had to try anyways.

"Call it." He had the most serious face i have ever seen, i knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Michael, it's just a friends, please trust me baby." I knew what would happen if he knew the truth. After everything we've been though, i just want all the drama to end.

"If it's just a friend, You don't have anything to hide, Call it. "

I could tell he wanted to believe me, but with that whole Tom thing, it was going to be hard.

I slowly picked up my phone, dialing the number. Once it started ringing, all i could think about was how mad Michael would be after he heard Dave's voice.

*Thinking* please don't answer, please don't answer. Please don

" Hello?" Damn. All my hope was gone.

"I knew it! i knew you were cheating on me! " He stormed out, slamming the door behind him. I ran after him, i had to explain. !

"Michael, you don't understand! Please let me explain! "

"Explain what?! That you Don't appreciate the things i do for you?! I gave up EVERYTHING for you Sarah, and for what?! To be cheated on?! " His voice was filled with fury. He was at the point where he was about to break down in tears. i hated seeing him cry, just as much as he hated seeing me cry.

"But Michael. I didn't cheat.." I was almost crying as well, I knew he wasn't going to believe me; I really screwed up this time.

"Whose number was it?! Tom's?! You just can't get enough of him, sneaking into his room at night, Yeah, I knew about that, he told me. HE told me, not my GIRLFRIEND. "

"Michael.. I.."

"Save it Sarah, just save it." He had a hard time holding back his tears, i could tell. As Michael sped off to god knows where, I walked back in my house, softly crying. So i decided to do the only think I could do to make me feel better. Call Alli.

*ring, ring, ring.* "Hey, it's Alli! Sorry I couldn't get to the phone! Just leave a message And I'll call you back! Bye! " Damn Alli. The only time you don't answer your phone is the time I need you most! I'll just call ash.."

*ring, ring, ring.* "Wasssup! it's your boy ashton here! Can't get to the phone. leave a message! " I tried to call Makayla, & Celine, no answer. I was tired of it all. That's when all my tears started pouring out.. i can't believe i was going to break up with Michael, i can't live without him, it's too much, this sucks. He means the world to me. *good girls starts playing.*

"Hello?" I said it in my best not crying voice. It was Cassidy.

"Hey girly, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"M-me and m-Michael had a fight." I said through hiccups.

"Awh, baby girl what happened?!"

"He thought i was cheating on him, so he left."

"Don't worry, he will come back, i promise you. I can tell he won't let anything get in the way of you & his love."

"Thanks Cassie, you always know what to say" I said Quietly sniffling.

"Anytime, But just call me back when you two make up!"


Michaels POV

I can't Believe she would cheat on me! After everything we've been through. Especially at this time. i Was going to propose to her any day Now. My last concert was in 2 weeks. Her birthday is next week. Why would she do this now!? I drove up to Calum's house. He was the only one i could come to about Sarah, he knew her almost as much as i did. He is the only one who would understand what I'm going through. I knocked on his door.

"Michael, what are you doing here? " It was Alli. Great...

"Oh, uh, i need to talk to Calum. " I was trying not to look in her eyes, She could always tell when i just had cried. I hated that.

"He's up in his room. What happened? Where's Sarah?" I guess she could tell something just happened.

"Ask Sarah." I stormed in his house, heading up the stairs, Going in his room.

"Hey man, what are you doing, wait, what happened?! "

I took some time to explain what just happened.

"Dude, you have to listen to her side of the story. Even if she is lying, you always have to listen to her explanation. "Calum said, trying not to upset me.

"But, i just can't...." I sunk my hands in my pockets... pulling out a piece of paper. Clenching it tight.

"What's that? " He said with much Worry.

"That dumb ass number Sarah got." I Said through my gritted teeth.

"Well, what are you wanting for? Call it! "

"Why? Do you want me to cry even more? "

"Dude, ask him why he gave it to her, Maybe she isn't cheating."

"You can. I'm Not talking to the guy who my baby is cheating on my with."

Calum grabbed his phone, dialing the number.. Hoping and praying it wasn't true. Calum knew Sarah would never do something like this. He just knew something wasn't adding up. I was just sitting down, my head in my hands, Waiting for some explanation.

Calum says "Yo, uh, who's this?"

Guy : "Dave?

Calum:, "Do you know a girl named Sarah?"

Guy: "well, no. But I think I know who your talking about."

Calum: "Who? What are you talking about?"

GUy : " I saw a girl last night drenched & so I gave her my number & stuff.. but nothing really happened."

Calum: "Ok, thanks bro, that's all I needed to know. Talk to you later?"

GUY : "Yeah, bye!"

*Calum looks at Michael *

"Michael you heard the boy, what are you still doing here? Go get your girl back!" Calum says

"Thanks man!" I ran out the door, hoping in the car. Speeding off towards Sarah's house,. i can't wait to say sorry, to tell her i was wrong.

Calum's POV

"What the hell was the about?" alli asks me

"Love." I say with the biggest smile wrapped around my face.

Ends With You (Continued) (A Michael Clifford FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now