Chapter 117

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Sarah's POV

"Well.....I'm sorry to tell you won't have to be buying baby things any time soon. Your not pregnant."

"Oh thank god!" Alli shouted, laying back on the bed again, letting out a big sigh. I also let out the breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

" Well that was the scariest thing I've ever had to go through." Calum said, running his hands through his hair.

" I wanna go home now." Alli said. The colour started to return to her face and she collected her things.

"Thank you so much ma'am." I smiled, closing the door behind us as we made our way out of the doctors office.

Michaels POV

I sat in front of the computer. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. This was gonna be the hardest Twitter message I've ever had to post. I couldn't even find the strength or the words to break it to the best fans in the world that I was gonna have to end this. I had the ring next to the computer for support and to remind me why I was doing this. But I had a better idea. I closed my laptop and went to find Matt.

"Matt?" I looked into his office and found him typing out an email.

"Yeah what's up?"

"Well the last concert is only 3 weeks away and I'm trying to find a way to tell the fans so instead of doing a Twitter message I want to schedule an interview on the biggest talk show you can book A.S.A.P." Matt sighed and pushed himself away from his desk.

"Your positive you want to do this?"

"Not a doubt in my mind. I wanna commit myself to Sarah and only Sarah , because she deserves it."

He sighed again and put his head in his hands.

"After everything we've worked for-

"Yes Matt." I said sternly. "Im not changing my mind."

" Alright. I'll call some talk shows. I'll let you know tomorrow." I nodded and walked off. I could tell he wasn't happy about all this but strangely I felt no remorse. I loved my fans and I knew they were all going to be heartbroken and probably wanna hang me from the Empire State building, but I had to do this. If I didn't, mine and Sarah's soon to be marriage would defiantly fall apart.

Sarah's POV

On the way home, Me, Calum and Alli had decided to bull shit the others into thinking Alli was pregnant and so when we walked through the door we all had somber expressions on our faces.

" Hey their back!" Ash yelled as we walked through the door. His excited expression was immediately wiped from his face when he saw our expressions. I didn't know how long I could hold this up, I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing.

" How did it go....?" Luke asked, he could tell he was treading on un-safe ground. We said nothing, we were waiting till everyone was in the room to reveal the news.

When everyone was gathered Alli took a deep breath and said:

" Well....I'm...."

Everyone was waiting and Alli found it funny to drag it out, when in truth it was hilarious watching everybody's face turn from confusion to irritation.

" Get it out already!" Ash snapped.

" ash!" I gasped. " That is NO way to speak to a lady." I said in a sarcastic British accent.

" It's no way to speak to a non-pregnant lady either." Alli smiled. The room was silent for a few moments until everyone got it, almost at the same time.

" Oh my gosh! I'm so glad your not pregnant! I mean I would have loved the baby but well you get the point!" Makayla said, rushing up to hug Alli.

" EEEEEP!" Celine squealed, joining the group hug that was now forming.

" Well I guess I should join to." I laughed

" You need to learn how to pull out faster bro." Luke clapped Calum on the back.

" Really luke? Really?" I laughed.

" Honey what did we talk about?" Makayla scolded him.

" Yeah listen to your girlfriend." Michael laughed.

The whole day we were out on the lake tubing and wakeboarding, and after that we went mudding with Ashton's dirt bikes and four-wheelers. By the end of the night I was the only one not about to pass out.....but it was because something was bothering me. It was giving me a nauseating, heart sinking feeling, but I didn't know what it was. Which scared me even more.

" I'm gonna go for a walk." I kissed Michael on the cheek and whispered to him.

" I'll go with you." he yawned, about to get up.

" Alone this time baby."

" Oh alright. Be careful." He said, gently kissing me.

" I will."

I grabbed my jacket and walked out. Their was a slight drizzle going on but I didn't really mind, rain helped clear my thoughts. My flip flops smacked against the pavement, sending water from the little puddles, onto my ankles. It was killing me not knowing what was going on with me. I was thinking some crazy things but the craziest was about to come.

Break up with Michael.

What!? I stopped dead in my tracks and questioned the voice in my head.

It's for his own good. He worked his whole life for this and he's gonna give it up because of you. You can't let him do this if you "love" him. Think about everything Angie gave up and how much she risked for him. Do you want to be the cause of it's end? What does Michael always say.... Never say Never...and he's saying never because of you.

With every word the little voice said, it felt like knives were slicing my heart open, and an all consuming fire, followed by a bone-chilling cold were racing up and down my body. But the worst thing is.... I knew it was right. He was gonna throw it away....all of it....because of me. But what if it hurt him to much? Maybe I should try and convince him to stay in his career and still be with me. But I knew in my heart he would never agree to that. So there was only one choice and it was gonna kill me. I guess I wasn't paying attention because I smacked into someone's shoulder.

" Oh I'm sorry!" I apologized, looking up. The rain blurred my vision so I couldn't see much but I knew it was a guy. It was dark outside and I got a little nervous since I was alone, but he didn't seem dangerous.

" No I'm sorry. I should have watched where I was going. What's a pretty girl like you doing walking alone at night?" his voice was deep and charming had an irish accent.

" Oh uh just taking a walk to clear my thoughts."

" Well I can walk you home if you'd like. It's not safe for a girl like you to be walking around alone. My names dave by the way."

" Sarah." I smiled " But I can walk myself home thanks."

" Suit yourself, but here's my phone number in case you get lost." he winked, pulling out a slip of paper and a pen to write down his number. I got an uneasy feeling accepting another guys number but just to be polite I took it and headed off in the direction of home.

Ends With You (Continued) (A Michael Clifford FanFic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu