Chapter 116

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Alli POV

"Cmon Sarah." I mumbled. I absentmindedly rubbed my stomach while I stared blankly out the window. What was taking her so long to get here? Did she forget? No she couldn't have.....could she? I worry way to much......don't I?

"Stop worrying. She'll be here." my mum said gently, playing with my hair. She was coming to support me today to. We didn't tell my dad yet, best not to make him worry. Not to mention he would have murdered Calum.

"Come help me find my sunglasses Alli." my mum asked me just as Sarah's black Lexus pulled in the driveway, of course Michaels music was emanating from the car.

"Shes here Calum!" I yelled, grabbing my mums sunglasses that were in plain sight by the way, and heading out the door.

Sarah's POV

"Hey hey hey hey ....Simmer down, simmer down ...." I hummed softly, pulling into Alli's driveway. The door opened and her, Angie and Calum came out and got into the car.

"Nice car." Angie commented.

"Thanks it's my 17th birthday present from Michael." I gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, I didn't really like talking about my ........."privleges".

Throughout the ride it was just small talk, mostly between Alli and Angie. I was just concentrating on the road and my thoughts. Me and Michael have been dating for almost 4 years now and we were getting close to 18.......I wonder if he's gonna-

"Sarah turn here."

"Oh right." I say, taking the left into the parking lot.

The doctors office wasn't very occupied so we were in for our appointment 10 minutes early. The tension and nervousness in the room was almost unbareable. Alli was breaking into a light nervous sweat, and she was gripping the seat so tight her knuckes were white. Calum looked all pale and his eye was twitching slightly. When the door opened all of us jumped in unison and the doctor gave us all a weird look.

"Well good morning." she laughed lightly, shutting the door behind her. I gave her a small smile as Alli said hello.

She didn't give us some long, round about talk she cut right to the chase.

"Were gonna do an advanced pregnancy test and an ultrasound. How long do you think you have been pregnant?"

"About 22 days?" Alli answered.

" Then if you are the heart will be beating and we will be able to see it on an ultrasound."

"Great." Alli sounded so thrilled in a sarcastic way. She sent Alli away to go do a pregnancy test again and while we were waiting she asked Calum some VERY awkward questions.

"Was a condom used during your sexual activities?"

"Um no....not that time." he cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with these questions.....edpecially with Alli's MUM in the room. She had her jaw tightened and her eyes narrowed, I could tell she didn't like this conversation.

"Can you tell me approximately how long the sexual intercourse lasted?"

"Uhm an hour......." he was looking anywhere in the room but at Angie.

"Alright.....and how long did it take for you to ejaculate?"

"Ok look not to be rude but I'm NOT answering that!" I tried to hold back my laugh but that wasn't gonna work. I fell out laughing. This could possibly be one of THE funniest things in history! The door opened and Alli came back.

"What did I miss?" she asked, noticing the awkward looks on everyones faces but mine.

"A lot." I laughed.

The doctor had Alli lay down on the table, the sterile paper crinkling as she did so.

" You know how this goes right? I put the gel on your stomach and all that good stuff?" The doctor asked, Alli nodded.

" Good. Alright lift your shirt up for me." She applied the gel, rubbed it over most of Alli's stomach and gently put the monitoring thing on her. She moved it all around, checking for a heartbeat that we were hoping wasn't there. I couldn't watch.

" Well...." the doctor sighed. " I'm sorry to tell you but....."

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