Chapter 106

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I am deathly afraid of thunderstorms. My first night in England there just HAD to be a storm didn't there? I laid in bed trying to be strong and not run to Michaels room but when a roll of thunder shook the house and lighting split the sky I was done. I hopped out of bed, dashed out the door and down the hall. But there was only one problem. Which room was his?

After trying several empty rooms I peeked through a door and saw someone laying in a bed. It was definitely a boy....

"Michael..." I whispered. The shadowy silhouette stirred and rolled over, but it wasn't Michael. I was just about to creep out of the room when I heard him say

" Sarah?" Shit. I thought.

" Uhm sorry I was looking for....

Tom sat up in bed, and the covers fell down to his waist. He was shirtless and his hard, defined abs and arm muscles made me loose my thoughts for a second.

" I was just looking for Michaels room." I stuttered hoping he hadn't caught me drooling over his abs. But he had. The smirk on his face told me so.

" It's the next one over gorgeous." Even thorough the darkness I saw him wink at me.

" Thanks." I said quickly, shutting the door behind me.

"Michael?" I whispered into the darkness of his room.

" that you?" he whispered back. I walked into his room and shut the door behind me. I ran over to his bed and hopped in, snuggling up next to him as thunder shook the house once again.

" The storm?"I nodded.

" And it doesn't feel right having an empty spot next to me." I whispered.

He chuckled and pulled me closer.

" Your right, it doesn't." he whispered, kissing the crown of my head. I had decided not to tell him about the encounter with Tom, but if it happened again, I would. He had called me gorgeous and it made me feel uncomfortable. That meant he was looking at me in a different light, not just a friend. I fell asleep with these troubles swimming around in my mind, the only thing holding me to reality was Michaels calming presence.

Today was New Years Eve. My aunt and uncle were throwing a sophisticated party at their house but over breakfast Tom was explaining where he was going.

" Everyone goes to Temptation for New Years, well anyone who's anyone goes." he said, taking a spoonful of cheerios into his mouth.

" What's it like?" I asked, breaking off a piece of my muffin.

" It's just.....a club." he said. The way he wouldn't look me in the eye, and the smirk on his face told me it was a little more then a club.

" What KIND of club." I emphasized the word 'club'.

" Just a club. If you and cold shoulder over there want to come with me your more then welcome to." I'm guessing that he was talking about Michael when he said cold shoulder, Michael hadn't said a word to him throughout the whole breakfast. Tom got up and dumped his leftover milk into the sink, leaving the bowl there and heading up the stairs.

" He's not that bad Michael." I said.

" He looks at you like you're a piece of meat." he growled.

" It's not like another guy hasn't looked at me like that before, just try and get to know him. You might like him."

" Until he stops looking at you like that and he realizes that I'M your boyfriend, then I'm going to continue to not talk to him."

" Who crapped in your cheerios?" I mumbled.

" He did." Michael pushed his chair away from the breakfast bar, put his bowl in the sink and walked off. Great. Now I had to eat my muffin alone.

I walked back up the stairs and right into Tom.

" Oh sorry." I said, trying to step around him but he stepped in front of me. "Move please."

" No. I want you to go somewhere with me."

" Where?"

" Just somewhere." he shrugged.

" Aren't we supposed to go see Cassidy in like an hour?"

" Yeah, after we visit her I'm taking you out."

" But-

" No buts. Your coming with me." And then he just walked off....just like that.

" What a jerk." I mumbled to myself as I walked into Michaels room. He wasn't in his room, but I heard him strumming his guitar outside on the balcony.

" Hey." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind.

" Hey." he said, putting his guitar down.

" You alright?" I asked.

" Yeah, fine. Why do you ask?"

" You just seem like your mad at me."

" No, more like mad at him."

" Oh well uh...."

" Sarah...." He said it in that tone of voice where I couldn't back out of telling him.

" He sorta cornered me and told me he's taking me out somewhere."

" We were suppose to go shopping today!"

" I know but what am I supposed to do!?"

" Uh tell him no!?"

" Well I can't he won't take no for an answer."

" Are you really gonna ditch me for him."

" I'm not ditch-

" Are you." he asked. I sighed.

" Michael.... I have to. He's a friend and I haven't seen him in almost 5 years...."

" Fine."

" I'm not gonna let anything happen. If he tries to touch me I'll call you alright?"

" Okay, I love you." he said.

" I love you to." I kissed him. " I'm gonna go get ready to go see Cassidy." I said, kissing him one more time before going to change.

Ends With You (Continued) (A Michael Clifford FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now