Chapter 101

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Michaels POV

As I was flipping burgers with my dad I glanced back at Sarah and I saw her playing with Tom, she was going to make a great mum someday. Woah. I had never thought of her like that before, I knew that someday I was planning on having a family but I'd just never actually thought about it.

" Michael." Matt came up to me, looking serious.

" Yeah man." I said.

" I have to talk to you."

" Alright what is it?" I asked, going over to him. He took me by the shoulder and led me away from the grill.

" You should tell everyone. All the families are here and so is all your crew... there's no better time. You don't need to tell them why but you have to tell them, it's time." I knew what he was talking about but I just couldn't think of a way to tell everyone without them asking questions... and my crew? What would they think? We had worked out the date of the last concert and it was only 3 months away, it was 5 days before Sarah's birthday. I had wanted it to be a surprise for her but I guess it was time to face it and be strong.

I walked up to the pool platform and got everyone's attention. I had gotten in front of millions of people before, but I had never been this nervous in my life. My hands were sweating and my knees were shaking. I looked for the beautiful hazel eyes that always kept me calm and I found them. I looked at her for support the whole time.

" I have to tell you all something and I hope and pray you will understand. In three months...." I looked at Sarah and almost begged her to understand.

" I will be having my last concert of my career." The utter shock on everyone's face was mirrored on Sarah's.
" I can't tell you why just yet but I hope you all will support my decision and help me get through it." Everything went quiet for a few moments, nobody moved, nobody spoke. I broke the stillness and walked down the steps of the pool deck. Everyone moved forward at once to hug me, some of them were even crying, but the one person that wasn't there was Sarah. I found her at the edge of the crowd, glaring at me. Wait glaring!? I watched her put Tom down and storm inside the house. Well this wasn't how I expected her to take it.

I tried to push my way through the crowd to make it into the house to see what was wrong with Sarah. I thought she would be happy that it was finally going to be over, it had caused her so much pain.

"Mum entertain everyone for a minute there's something wrong with Sarah." I whispered to her as I passed. She nodded and attracted everyone's attention away from me.

I figured that Sarah wasn't downstairs, she would be upstairs in my room. I headed upstairs quietly, making sure the stairs didn't creak under me. I turned the door knob quietly and stepped in. She was curled up by the window, her knees brought up to her chest. Her hair was hiding her face but I could tell she was crying by the way her chest shuddered every so often.

Sarah's POV

I knew he had come in. I heard him coming up the stairs. But I really could care less right now, I was in a dark place of depression.

"Sarah I-I didn't mean for you to take it like that."

" Michael....... Promise me you still love me." I whispered.

" Sarah- what are you-

" Promise me."

" Ive never stopped loving you!? Why are you asking me this?"

" Because if you loved me you wouldn't just quit your career like this."

" What!? I'm quitting BECAUSE I love you!"

" You know damn well how much I gave up for your career! Everyone gave up so much for you Michael! Your mum, your dad, Tom your whole family!!! All your friends. Michael we all travel with you! Don't you realize that? Me, alli, Celine, Makayla, luke, Ashton, Calum.......we all gave up most of our lives to be with you because we all love you so much and we just can't stand to be without you. But now that your giving it up it seems like we did all that for nothing."

Michaels POV

I was totally shell shocked. I didn't even think of that side of it. This has taken a turn for the worse...... I had to tell her, but that would ruin everything. But what if the others had the same thoughts Sarah did? It would split us apart. I had to do something and now.

" Sarah I..... I don't know what to say. I can't tell you why I have to end it but you will find out soon enough just please believe me."

" Fine Michael. Do you need anything at the store. I'm going for Tom he wants sweets."

" No baby I don't need anything." I said sadly. This wasn't a time to kiss her on the lips so I kissed her softly on the forehead and left the room.

Sarah's POV

I grabbed my car keys and made sure Tom was strapped in the car.

" Wall-e -world!" Tom cheered.

" Yes I know were going." I laughed, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

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