Chapter 121

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Michaels POV

I hadn't care what my fans thought, all I cared about was Sarah. I'm staring right at her and she hasn't replied, I think she's in shock. Damn how I loved this girl, come on Sarah say yes. Sarah answer already..!

Sarah's POV

"Michael, I don't know what to say.. we've been through SO much together, & I don't want any more fights. But... *sighs* Of course I want you to be my husband. I love you with all my heart!*

* fans start screaming & clapping*

*Michael slips the ring on Sarah*

"Oh my gosh Michael! this is beautiful! How much did this cost.?!"

"Not more beatufuil than you! And that doesn't matter!

"Michael, please tell me! Pretty please, with me on top? " I gave him my best puppy dog face. He smirked.

*Mumbles..* "...A million.. " He said looking away from me.

"MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD! Why would you spend that much on me? i'm so not worth it!"

"I bought it, cause i love you, and trust me, you so are, the ring isn't worth you." He said Kissing my forehead.

"Thank you Michael, i love you to pieces." I said, my eyes glittering.

*the kiss Passinotely.*

* Michael licks her bottom lip*

"Michael, i can't.. we're on tv. Later, i promise." *both her & Michael smirk*

"Sorry babe, i forgot. I just got lost in your beautiful eyes."

"Well that wraps up a very ,... uhm,,, intresting show. I'm Ellen, and this is the Ellen show, We'll see you next week. ! " Ellen said , i think she had a headache. haha.

"Come on, lets go home." He grabbed my hand, and we skipped out cheerfully.

Some crazy fan jumped out in front of me & Michael.


"Michael, i'm scared. " I tightned my Grip on his hand

"Angel, it's okay. let me handle this. "

Michael stepped in front of me, and pulled the fan aside. I'm not sure what he said, but it wasn't that long till he was by my side again.

"What was tha about? "

"Oh nothing, just a little jealous, but i told her not to be mean , & i signed her forehead" Michael grabbed my hand , and led me into the car..

*3rd person POV*

when Sarah & Michael get home they decide their ready & have sex. About 4 weeks passed by normally, Michael had his last concert & it went amazing! Now its Sarah & Michael alone, finally, first step to forever! Michael & Sarah had sex everyday, until one morning when Michael goes & visits luke & Calum for a 'guy day out' Sarah missed her period, & so she went and bought a Pregnancy test, she gets home and does all the instructions and stares at the stick..... uh-oh...

Ends With You (Continued) (A Michael Clifford FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora