Kristina Primakov

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Just to warn you guys this isn't a percabeth one! I thought this up at 5:30 in the morning. This is more of a people meet demigods one. It doesn't really feature Annabeth or Percy but if you don't want to read it, that's ok, you can skip it.

I stare out my window. There was a boy on the grass, in the front lawn. I didn't know who the boy was but he seemed familiar.
"Who are you!" I call "and how do you know my name?"

He laughs "You're a half blood! I've come to take you to camp half blood!"

I snort, who does he think he his? Talking about some fake camp for "half bloods". Those demigods from greek mythology aren't real, and why would I be one!

"I can prove to to you!" He yelled as if he heard everything I said "You only have one parent, your dad."

That's right. I only have my father. I never knew my mother.
"That doesn't prove anything"

"And are you ADHD or dyslexic?"

I nod "yeah, but how does that have to do anything with greek demigods?"
His green eyes beam, staring up at my blue ones.
"It does. Also, I bet you've never met your other parent"

My mind gets frustrated. How did he know all this stuff!

"What are you, like a stalker!" I screech, moving to shut my window.

"Kristina! Listen up, you are in great danger. I've been sent to take you to camp half blood"

I huff, shuting my window completely.

"What a freak"

My thoughts spiral as I awaken from my dream. Beaded with sweat, change into some clothes and go to my dad's room.

"Dad, dad wake up" I shake him awake. 

"What is it Kristi" he asks.

I take a deep breath.

"I think it's time for me to go to camp half blood"

His eyes widen, with a confused look on his face.
"How did you know about camp? Did someone contact you?" He questions.

"No" I say simply "it came to me in a dream."

He nods and tells me to get in the car quickly. We rush out, daddy keeps scanning the area as if something was going to pop out of no where.

I didn't think it was real. Why did I say that, my dad looks terrified. What is happening?!?

"Chiron!" My dad yells, once we quickly enter the entrance "Chiron!"

A horse man come trotting towards us.

"Did you contact my daughter? She woke up this morning and knew about camp half-blood. She said it came to her in a dream"

"No I don't recall it" Chiron answers.

Then he turns his direction to me.
"Hello Kristina. I haven't seen you since a little baby" he told me "would you like to look around? If that's ok with your dad"

My dad nodded, so did I.

"Katie! Can you show Kristina around? She's new" Chiron yelled. A teen about 17 came over. She had really pretty brown hair and nice green eyes. She was wearing an orange shirt that said "Camp Half Blood" on it and denim shorts.

"Hi!" She said smiling, "I'm Katie Gardner."
I wave hello "I'm Kristina Primakov."

"How old are you Kristina?"

"I'm 13" I tell her .

"Let me show you around, it's really cool. How long are you here for?" She asks me.
I don't really know. Was this supposed to be an over night camp?
"I'm not sure. My dad is talking to Chiron over there"
"Oh, well you can stay for the day. This isn't like a regular cam. This is a place where demigods can live all year around and train for outside the protected boarders, or you could just stay for the summer. Let's keep going with the trip shall we? You'll especially love the food."

I take her outstretched hand and follow her towards the cabins. Hopefully she's my sister, she's nice.

I told my dad that I'd like to stay for the summer. He seemed ok with it. I think he'd like having some time to himself since he never does.

I was soon claimed my Demeter. My hopes of being Katie's sister came true and we became the closest of sisters.

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