Chapter 14: Your Boss Sounds Like a Jackass

Start from the beginning

"Are you still mad at me?" Gray asked quietly.

It took me a second to get what he was referring to. "No, Gray."

"I can't tell." He grumbled and fluffed a hand through his dirty blond hair, "I know you're still mad. I know you hold grudges longer than you want to admit. You're not talking to me that much, you've been avoiding me, and I just know you're still mad at me because of what happened with James."

I shrugged a shoulder. "You had no right to act the way you did. It's as simple as that."

"I knew you were still mad." He stated sternly, "After what happened with Reese—"

I jerked my head in his direction. "Don't you dare talk about him."

"It's been two years and you still can't hear his name. This is what I'm talking about, Vi. I'll do anything to keep you from going through that again."

It was taking everything inside me not to start crying. "Just stop."

"I need you to see my side."

"And I need you to see mine, Gray."

"I do." He grounded, "And I was there until you healed. I was there for Mom when she needed it. I won't stand around and watch that happen again."

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "It's unavoidable."

"Like hell it isn't."

My eyes opened to meet his dull gaze. "I used to think that too."

"What's that supposed mean?"

"Nothing." I said quickly, "I'm just saying I had your same mindset. After Dad left Mom and after seeing what it did to her, I felt the same way about it all. No, I don't want to go through what I did with Reese again. But I realized something last night...and it's that I'm tired of being afraid."

Gray looked away from me and rubbed his forehead.

"I know what you've done was only to protect me and I love you for it. But it also makes me angry. James is my friend and you had no right—"

"He likes you." Gray said, turning his head back to face me, "That's why I got upset. I went to school with him, Vi."

It shouldn't be surprising, but I felt a cool chill fill my chest and it felt hallow. That also meant James was in the same school as me too. But I had no idea who he was. We never crossed paths. Or if we did, I never noticed. "Then why did he act like he didn't know you?"

"Because he didn't. We never hung out. He was a popular kid, always surrounded by his friends, a new girl every month. Definitely not a person I'd want to be friends with. You'll mean nothing to him—"

"He's not like that—"

"People don't change."

"Yes they do." I retorted, "People change and grow all the time. But they only change if they really want to and not make a piss effort."

He was quiet.

I tilted my head and rested my cheek on his shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Gray. And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'm eighteen now and I just need space. If I need you to kick someone's ass for me, I know where you live."

Gray chuckled lightly and kissed the top of my head. "I love you too, Vi." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and squeezed me gently. "And I'll back off a little. You can't kill all my dreams."

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