Imagine for Maggie

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F I N N, that is all.

P.S both Dana and Toby are fictional.


"Have you seen Jacksgap new video?! I'm dying it's so PERFECT!!" The teenage girl behind me at Nandos yelled to her friend. I chuckled lightly and looked at my friend. What's up with everybody being so obsessed with Jack and Finn?

"And oh my god, the way Finn was having eye sex with the camera i'm sCREAMING!" The other girl practically yelled the last word. I almost choked on my chicken while trying not to laugh at her comment. The girls behind us soon left and that was when Dana opened her mouth.

"Did you hear that?"

"It was hard not to hear that." I said while taking another bite of my delicious food.

Dana and I were at the mall to find some new clothes, or she was. We'd been invited to her crush's party and she refused to go to it if she hadn't any new clothes. I really didn't feel like going to the party at first but... what can I say? Dana is good at convincing people.

"Well, we should get going. I need to find that blouse!" Dana said and stood up. I followed her out of Nandos and into every damn shop, just to find a new blouse.

Dana eventually found one, thank you!! My feet were so sore after all that walking that all I did was complain on the way home.

I fished up my keys from my bag and opened the door. Dana rushed in to my bedroom and changed into her new clothes.

"Whatcha think?" She asked as she opened the bedroom door. I gave her a thumbs up and continued watching TV.

While Dana spent almost 2 hours of getting her hair and makeup done I was still watching TV. It wasn't until we only had 1 hour left I decided that it was time to get ready. I put on a beautiful black, pretty basic, dress with a V-neck. The dress stopped a little bit over my knees and it was the perfect time to how off my tanned legs, or at least they were a bit tanned. I took my silver pumps along with the dress and did some loose curls in my hair, I let Dana do my makeup since she's 10 times better at it than me. I took a final look in the mirror, I didn't look to bad to say it myself.

Me and Dana headed down to a taxi which dropped us off at a club.

"Wait, he has a party at a club?" I asked Dana as we walked closer to the entrance.

"Yup, his father owns the club." Dana happily said and walked in, with me close behind.

When Dana said that we were going to a party I thought she meant a house party. Well well, at least my outfit looked awesome.

We tried to walk to a booth in the club, the only reason was... it was so damn crowded in here! I got pushed from side to side by people dancing and I even think I accidentally hit someone in the back. Oops!

When we finally reached the booth Dana practically threw herself at Toby, her crush.

"Hi Toby, great party!" I said, trying to drown out the music, as I gave him a friendly hug. We stayed at the booth for another hour. I was bored to death! Dana and Toby were all over each other and didn't pay attention to us others. I didn't know any of Toby's friends which sat at the booth and one guy kept giving me creepy stares.

"Uhm, Dana?" I said and poked Dana on her arm. She only let out a 'mm' and kept looking at Toby.

"I'll go and dance." I said and headed out to the crowded dance floor. Why did I go here? It's so boring! I got to the middle of the dance floor and started to sway my hips from side to side. 'I can only imagine' by David Guetta blasted from the speakers and when it came to Weezy's part I lost it, I jumped and sang along with it.

Then I felt a pair of arms snaking around my waist and the hands of the person behind me locked it's hand with each other. I kept on swaying from side to side. Usually I wouldn't have kept going but tonight I thought 'what the hell' and continued.

The hands of the person behind me travelled up and laid perfectly on my hips, and I twirled around, meeting the most beautiful greenish eyes i've ever seen.

"What's your name?" The guy leant forward and said into my ear.

"Maggie," I said in his ear. "Yours?"

"Finn." He responded. I locked my arms behind his neck and we kept dancing.

"How do you know Toby?" He asked.

"It's my friends kinda boyfriend." I chuckled at him. Finn looked relieved and smiled at me. Wow, he had a beautiful smile.

"I'm actually kinda disappointed that you don't know who I am." Finn said in my ear. My mind travelled back to earlier and then I remembered those girls at Nandos.

"Oh trust me, I know who you are, eye sex Finn." I completely chanced on that one and hoped that it was him the girls had been talking about. Finn smirked and bit his bottom lip. Oh god he was beautiful!

"That's what they call me." He said into my ear. We both laughed at how wrong it all sounded. Finn put away a string of my hair that had fallen in front of my eyes and leant closer.

Our lips connected to a perfectly synched kiss. The music and people around us faded away and I felt as I was walking on clouds. Eye sex Finn really know how to kiss.

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