Opposites attract - Kian Lawley

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So it's been a year since I last updated. That's a shame really, haha. But now i'm back!

A little different imagine with Kian.

Y/N = Your Name


I walked down the hall, like i've done so many times before. I kept my eyes looking straight forward, not letting anything distract me. I was in my own dreams with my friends talking about something irrelevant behind me. All I could think of was him, Kian.

Me and Kian started off as a weird pair of friends. We hated each others guts at first. I couldn't stand seeing his face, but I had to every time my friend would invite me to hangout with her and her boyfriend, who was Kian's bestfriend.

There was just this feeling I had about him. Nothing bad, nothing good either. Just this strange feeling where you don't know what to feel about someone, someone who constantly gets on your nerves without doing something.

That feeling soon flew away. Me and Kian discovered this tension between us. We hated each other, but the more we hung out the more I wanted him.

It all started at a party our friends threw. I know you shouldn't blame the alcohol, and I really don't do it either. I knew what I wanted, the alcohol just helped me get it.

''Y/N are you even listening?" my friend said and slapped my arm and I snapped out of my daydream.

"Oh yeah sure, you bought that top yesterday." I said and smiled but my thoughts quickly went back to Kian.

I knew that his class was about to end, and we had already decided where we should meet.

I waited in the cafeteria with my friends, they were still talking about nonsense. My eyes wandered around the cafeteria until they met a pair of very familiar brown ones. He winked at me and sat down a couples of tables away with his friends. We basically undressed each other with our eyes.

''Uhm guys?'' I said and got my all friends attention. ''I don't feel very well, I should probably go to the school nurse." I said as I got up from the chair and gathered all my stuff.

''Should we come with you?'' One of them asked and stood up.

''Oh nononono, it's okay, probably just a headache, i'll be back soon." I said and walked away. As I walked down the B hall I could see people getting in to their classrooms and the hall was soon empty. Well, except for me and the person behind.

I slowed down and felt a hand on my hip and a body being slightly pushed against mine. We didn't say a word, we just kept walking to the end of the hall.

''I've been thinking of you all day," Kian said and stopped me while he pressed small kisses on my neck. I rolled my eyes and turned around to meet his gorgeous face.

''I wish I could say the same," as soon as Kian is near I get this attitude which I know he have a love/hate relationship with. His eyes darkened as he slightly pushed me against the wall.

''Don't be like that babe," he said and dragged his fingertip over my collarbones. That was it, I took his face in my hands and kissed him roughly. He responded with even rougher kisses.

His hands caressed my sides and made their way down to my hips which he pressed tightly against his own. We stopped kissing for a brief second, only to open the toilet door next to us. We got in and Kian locked the door quickly. I stood and looked myself in the mirror.

''I remember the first time I laid my eyes on you Y/N, I hated you," he said and stood behind me. ''But I wanted you so badly." he continued and dragged his hands along my arms and connected our hands at last.

I looked right into his eyes through the mirror and smiled.

''I never get tired of hearing that," I said and swirled around to connect our lips again.

Every time we kiss I feel this crazy feeling, some might call it love but I like to call it attraction, and theres a different there which most people can't tell apart.

I don't love Kian, I don't think I ever will. We both love where we are right now. He gives me the attention and pleasure I need right now. But as soon as he starts talking I just want to rip his head off and the feeling is mutual.

So I guess that what they say is right, opposites attract.

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