Imagine for Molly

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Hi guys! I said that this imagine/one shot(?) would be different, you know why?

Because it's about the lovely Niall Horan. I know that it isn't youtube related but it's for my friend ;)



"Niall!" I shouted as I tossed the pillows in the couch around, looking for my glasses.

"Oh for gods sake." I whispered quietly to myself as I stopped tossing the pillows.

I dragged a hand through my blonde, wavy hair. Why does this always happen to me? I always lose or forget something just before an important meeting, it's really tiring! And did I mention that this particular important meeting was with Niall's parents? Yeah, so i'm pretty stressed.

"Molly?" I heard Niall call as he ran down the stairs. "Have you found your glasses yet?"

I shook my head and let out a heavy sigh.

"We're going to be late and it's all my stupid glasses fault!"

I walked in to the kitchen, with Niall only a few steps behind me, to look for them a last time.

"Babe," Niall said, but I ignored him. I want to find my glasses and I want to find them NOW!

"Molly." Niall said and grabbed my arm. "It's fine, we have plenty of time."

I looked him in the eyes and he gave me a soothing smile, and it actually calmed me down. But just a tiny bit.

"Yeah but with our usual luck we'll probably run late." I said.

"Nah, I don't think so. Now, let's find your glasses." Niall said and pecked me on the cheek.


After almost an hour of searching we finally managed to find my glasses. But on the other hand, we only had 30 minutes to get to the restaurant.

"Hurry up Niall!" I said and ran to the car. Niall walked slowly and took his time.

"Come on!" I said, getting very impatient. Niall blew me a kiss and laughed. He always know how to piss me off, and it's extra easy to piss me off when I'm in a hurry.

When we finally got in the car we had the luck to get stuck in traffic. Niall was calm but I was freaking out! This is the first time i'll meet his parents and I don't want to be late.

"Hey, babe, calm down." Niall said and placed his hand on top of mine, his thumb gently stroking my hand.

"Calm down? I can't calm down! We're stuck in traffic, it's raining like hell and we only have 5 minutes left." I said and my whole body tensed.

I placed my head against the window.

"And it's all my fault."

Niall intertwined his hand with mine and pulled me closer.

"No, it's not."

"But it is! And if we show up too late your parents are gonna think that I'm an irresponsible girlfriend and that I don't care." I said and dropped my head on one of Niall's shoulders.

I didn't get an answer back. Instead, he laughed at me. I looked up at him with a confused face, what the hell?

"Molly, they're not gonna think that your irresponsible or careless. And if they would, which they won't, I wouldn't care." Niall said and looked me in the eyes.

"Y-you wouldn't care?" I repeated his two last words. Niall turned around and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I. Wouldn't. Care." He began. "I honestly wouldn't, because I love you, Molly."

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