Imagine for Sara

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Two Sara's in one week, hahaha :D

Omg my humour is so lame, don't mind it.

Jack Harries, ladies and gentlemen.


I could hear Jack's voice from the living room, talking to his fans on younow. Usually he does them with Finn but since me and Jack moved to London they haven't been able to do one together.

I put down my teacup on the table and continued playing candy crush, i'm addicted to it!

"Sara?" I suddenly heard Jack call.

"What is it?" I said in response, not taking my eyes off the phone.

The whole apartment fell silent, including Jack.

"Jack?" I asked, and put away my phone.

I walked in to the living room, and to my surprise, Jack wasn't there.

"Okay Jack, this isn't funny." I said, beginning to get a little bit scared. I hate being alone in an apartment, in the middle of the night!

"His computer is still on... That's odd." I said, looking at the iMac standing on the coffee table, which was our first investment together.

I spun around, leaning against the couch. I heard a noise, like someone was walking around in the kitchen.

"Jack," I said and held on to the couch. "Jack this is not funny anymore." I said and tightened my grip.

"GRRAAA!" Jack shouted as he sprinted towards me and tackled me down on the couch. I landed with my back first with a thud, and Jack was laying on top of me, laughing!

"You little bastard!" I cried out, he know how much I hate being alone in a dark area, and this is what he does to me, his girlfriend?!

"Well, you shouldn't blame me." He said and lifted himself off of me. "It was their idea." Said Jack and opened the younow.

"Wait, did they hear everything?" I asked and sat up straight in the couch beside Jack. He nodded.

"And they can still hear you. Say hi." Jack said and turned the computer to me.

Jack's fans and I haven't really, seen each other before... Like, they know that Jack is seeing someone and a few 'manips' have circled around twitter and tumblr. But they've never seen or heard me before, and I was quite scared how they would react when they saw me. I'm not a famous person or the richest, i'm just me, Sara.

"H-hi guys." I said and waved to the computer, which felt really weird...

"So guys, this is her. The love of my life." Jack said and held my hand.

I leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek, not even thinking that his fans would see it. But, I didn't really care.

"Oh, and yesterday me and Sara were at IKEA to look for furniture to our new place and she found this amazing thing." Jack said and picked up the stuffed carrot I found at IKEA. He absolutely love it.

I watched as Jack interacted with his fans, telling them jokes and answering their questions. He was so busy talking to them that he didn't even noticed that I went to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea.

As I was in my way back I stopped at the door, overhearing Jack.

"If I love her? Of course I do. As I said, she's the love of my life and i'd do anything for her."


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