Imagine for Samantha

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My first personal imagine, yay!

I hope you like it and it's about the australian heartthrob, Luke Brooks.


As I stepped outside the car I inhaled the sweet scent of cotton candy deeply. The kids joyful screams from the roller coasters and the salesmen shouting were a perfect mix on this mild summer day. I haven't been to a tivoli for ages but as soon as my boyfriend heard that he drove us to the nearest tivoli in town.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Luke asked in a husky voice as he embraced me from behind, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Eat." I simply said and Luke chuckled. His right hand travelled from my waist to my left hand and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Come on then." He said and we walked to the nearest food stand.

When we finally got our mini pizzas we sat down. We chitchatted for a while until Luke asked me the weirdest question of all time. Well yeah, in my opinion.

"Samantha, I don't think I ever want to get married." He said, his face seemed made out of stone in that moment.

I almost choked on the pizza I had in my mouth. What was he talking about? We've never even discussed getting married! For gods sake, we're only 18!

"W-what? Why are you telling me that?" I stuttered out, not sure if I should laugh. Luke got up from his seat in front of me to sit down next to me, taking my hands in his.

"Unless it's with you." He said and smiled.

"Aw Boogle!" I said and threw my arms around his neck. Boogle is a word I made up a long time ago, it means cute or adorable and it's also my nickname for Luke. Yeah I know, i'm quite random, but so is Luke! We always joke around and have random outbursts, making the people around us annoyed, but guess what? We don't care.

"But seriously Luke, that was the cheesiest thing ever." I said as I loosened the grip around his neck a bit. He didn't say a thing, he just smiled at me and placed his hand on my jaw, pulling my face closer to his.

The kiss was gentle and sweet, and I liked it. As his lips leaved mine he looked me in my green/blue eyes and put a string of my curly, light brown hair behind my ear. And to ruin the moment, Luke got a text message. He looked at it quickly.

"Come, I have something to show you." Luke hastily said and took my hand to lead me somewhere. "But what about our pizzas?" I said as we tried to walk past the big crowd of people.

"Don't care about them." He said.

Luke leaded me back to the car where a familiar woman stood, Gina. She was rocking side to side, carrying a blanket with something behind it. I don't know what it was, but it was tiny. Luke let go of my hand to place it on my shoulder.

"There's someone I'd like you to meet." He said and in that moment Gina removed the blanket to reveal the cutest, furry kitten ever.

"Oh my god." I exclaimed and slowly walked over to Gina. She handed me the kitten, and the blanket. I patted it on the head with my fingers, making the kitten yawn with it's little mouth.

"I thought you would like it." Luke said as he stood beside me again.

"Like?" I said, turning to face him. "I love it."

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