Imagine for Sophie

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Another requested one, yeaaah buddy!

This one is about Caspar Lee, enjoy.


"AAACHOOO!" Oh god, I think I just sneezed my lungs out. I took a sip of my hot, vanilla tea and wrapped Caspar's cozy duvet around my frozen body. I had a pair of tights and a big hoodie on me, a pair of my warmest socks AND Caspar's onesie. And I was still freezing! Damn you winter for making me this sick, ugh.

"Sophie?" I heard his soft voice call along with a light knock on the bedroom door. A few seconds later Caspar stood in the doorway, looking at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and sat down on the edge of our kingsized bed. "Terrible," I began as I put away my teacup. "My throat is on fire, my body is freezing and I can't speak properly." I said as another chill rushed through my body, finishing off with a nice, throat-hurting cough.

"My poor baby." Caspar said and pulled me in to a tight hug, making my head rest on his shoulder.

I closed my eyes for what seemed like a second as Caspar gently stroked his warm hand up and down my back.

"Aren't you supposed to film a video with Jack today?" I asked him.

"I cancelled it." He whispered in my ear.

"What?" I said and sat up, looking him in the eyes.

"Take it easy Sophie, you're sick." He said with shock plastered on his face.

"But you've talked about it for so long and you haven't seen Ja-" Caspar cut me off by shushing and placing one finger over my mouth.

"I know. But I want to be here for you when you're sick. You know, just looking after you." He said and that well-known half smile spread across his face.

"You're making it sound like I'm gonna die." I said and chuckled at him. That's so typical Caspar. He becomes so overprotective whenever I'm sick or hurt. Take last year for example, me and Caspar were on a picnic together to celebrate our 1st anniversary as a couple and I got stung by a bee. I didn't really care about it but I swear that he was so close to call the ambulance to put plaster on my hand.

But I find it cute how protective he is. Well what can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic and I like it when boys do that little extra.

"You should go and call Jack and film your video." I said with a determined voice.

"But you'll need me here." Caspar said and took my hand in his.

"I can take care of myself for 2 hours, I'm not a baby." I said and smiled, trying to show him that I really can.

"Okay then." He said and tried to kiss me on my lips but I turned my face around so his lips kissed my cheek.

"I'm sick, as you said." I cheekily said and Caspar sighed.

He got up and I could hear him calling Jack and they talked for a couple of minutes. I heard him taking on his jacket and how he opened the door.

"Bye Sophie! I'll be back in a few hours." He said and I said goodbye to him.

But instead of hearing the door being closed I heard how he ran in to the bedroom. He threw himself on me, placing both of his hands on either side of my head and kissed me.

"Caspar, you'll get sick." I said as his tender lips leaved mine.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." He said and chuckled.

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