Imagine for Amelia

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The birds were chirping in choir and a warm breeze drifted through the beach, which was filled with people. The sun was shining bright, there wasn't a cloud on the sky and the wonderful scent of cut grass filled the air. Ah, don't you just love the summer? I know I do. Me and Victoria always visits the beach to tan and ch-

"Amelia, I need to go to the bathroom, NOW." My little brother said while tugging on my floral dress. Ugh, my mom and dad went grocery shopping, leaving me and Victoria to babysit my brother, James.

Don't get me wrong, I love my brother. It's just that he can be a pain in the ass at times, but I bet that that's how every big sister feel at time.

"I'll follow you to the bathroom while Amelia search for a place to sit." Said Victoria and took James's hand. I mouthed 'thank you' to her and watched as they walked away.

I walked around, looking for a spot. As I was about to give up and take that spot between a family of 5 and an old couple I saw the perfect spot, ever!

It was on a small hill, giving us the perfect view over the whole beach, and most importantly, it was quite near the volleyball net. This is perfect! There's no one around AND we get to see some hot guys.

"Victoria!" I waved my arm as I saw her and James looking for me. They made their way up and sat down next to me.

"Great spot!" Victoria said while taking off her dress.

"Amelia, can I have some watermelon?" James asked.

"Of course." I responded and searched for the watermelon in our basket.

Once James had gotten his watermelon I laid down to tan. This was the most perfect day of summer holiday by far.

"Hey, Amelia," Victoria whispered in my ear after a while. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "What?"

"Those guys over there have been looking over here a few times now. Do you know who they are?" Victoria asked and I turned my head to look at them.

There was around a group of 6 guys, all in shorts and no shirts, playing volleyball. And sure enough, they were looking over at us. But not all the time, just occasionally. The majority of them had blonde, sun bleached hair, while the others had brown hair. They looked like normal guys, and I didn't know any of them!

"Sorry, I don't know who they are." I said and rested on my arms, still looking over at them. They were too busy playing to notice me.

"That's a shame, because the guy with brown hair and blue shorts is looking fiiiineee." Victoria said, dragging on the word fine, and I bursted out laughing.

We continued to tan while James was playing in the sand. "Amelia, can I go to Charlie?" James asked.

"Mm sure." I said, not bothering to open my eyes. "But don't go near the water!" I said as I heard James run down the hill.

Then, suddenly, I heard a quick scream.

My eyes immediately shot up, along with my body. The boys who were playing volleyball was now standing in a circle, around a boy.

"Amelia," Victoria said and stood up. "I think that is James."

She didn't have to say it twice. I ran down the hill, straight to the group of guys.

"James?" I asked and slowed down. The boys moved away, revealing a blonde boy holding James.

"Amelia!" James said. The boy handed me James and he hugged me tight.

"I'm so so so sorry, I didn't mean to hit the ball so hard." The blonde boy said with a british accent.

"It's okay, it didn't hurt. I just got scared." James said and smiled to the boy, making the others chuckle.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Victoria asked as she finally reached us.

"My clumsy brother over here interrupted these boys game and got a ball on his head." I said and smiled at James.

"Oh no he didn't interrupt anything, it was all my fault. I should've seen him." The boy said. I got a better look at his face and the first thing I noticed was his icy, blue eyes.

"Can I go to Charlie now?" James asked in a low voice and I nodded. I sat him down and he ran away to his friend.

"Hi, i'm Victoria." Victoria said and shook every guys hand. Well, she isn't very shy when it comes to boys. Me on the other hand is the complete opposite.

"And i'm Amelia." I said and shook their hands.

"I'm Bertie." The blonde boy said.

It was a 2 seconds of awkward silence, it felt like forever! But luckily one of the boys came up with an idea.

"Do you girls want to join us in another game?"

Me and Victoria agreed and we teamed up. She got with the brown haired boy, Bryan, and I was in the same team as Bertie.

"I'll try not to hit your head." He said and lined up next to me, we were closest to the net. I laughed in response and the game began.


We won! We actually won!!

"HAH SUCK ON THAT VICTORIA!" I said and the boys laughed. Okay, maybe I am a little bit competitive. But nothing beats slaying your friend in a game of volleyball.

"Whatever Amelia!" Victoria laughed.

We all decided that the boys should move their stuff to our spot so we could hangout more. It's crazy to think that we just met these guys, it feels like i've known them for ages!

"Amelia, Victoria!" I heard James call for us as he walked up the hill. I stopped talking to Bertie and embraced James in a hug. He sat down in my lap and yawned.

"You tired?" Bertie asked James and he just nodded, too tired to say something.

We all continued to talk while James slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Well this was an unusual way to meet new friends." Bryan said and I think we all agreed on that one.

"But we should really hangout more, this was fun." Bertie said and I looked him in his eyes for a brief moment. Yeah, this was fun.

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