And she slightly chuckled

I stood up from the bed and stepped closer to her wrapping my arms around her waist.

I was still angry at him but I gotta say I miss him holding me like this , so I didn't fight back

"Please stay" he begged

".... I already packed my bags"

"I can help you unpack"

"I would love that , but I promised my ma that I would be spending the week there"

"So I ain't gonna see you"

"I don't know you tell me , cause you always busy "

"Anything , anytime for my babe " he said leaning for a kiss and I kissed back

"You smell like crush" I said getting out of his grip

"Oh ya ma bad, the niggas and I had a long night "

I slightly rolled my eyes

"Do you ever stop smoking"

"Yeah , I ain't doing it now"

I hit him against his chest

"Agg , you know what I mean"

He laughed

"Nah im playing witchu , I try to keep my distance from my wraps"

"Mmh ... can you help me with my bag" I asked


He helped me carry my bag downstairs and into my car .

"So I will see ya sometime"

"Yeah , how about you and Justin come through tomorrow?"

"Umm .. tomorrow hes got other plans"

"And you don't? " he asked confused

"Yeah his dad is gon pick him up , so ama be free "

"Oh " he said lowly

This was so awkward

"See ya"

"Ayt, I'll call you "

I nodded my head and started up my car and drove off .


I have been feeling sick lately , IM NOT PREGNANT well thats what I think .

I just hate the feeling of what happened a few months back and my miscarriage , I dont wanna go through that again so I dont think im pregnant so ama just slid this sickness off.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Chris

"Mrng beautiful "

"Morning babe"

"Wat you got on your mind" he asked sitting up straight .

"Nothing I was just thinking about ..... my clothing line im super excited"

"Im so proud of my baby" he said perking my lips

"I gotta take a shower and head to the place now "

"You ain't spending the day with me??" He poked his lip out

"I wanna but , I can't miss this " I said walking to the bathroom

"Look at my women being all independent on me" and he smirked

"Wat ever" and I stuck my tongue out at him .

I did all my hygiene and got dressed.

I walked downstairs and Chris was watching tv .

"Im out" I said

"What about breakfast? ?"

"Nope I will stop by Mac D"

"Nah I mean for me , you ain't gonna make me breakfast"

"Babe stop being lazy get up and make breakfast "

"Ayt "

"And im serious dont be staving yourself"

I always gotta look after my big baby

"Yeah I got it ma its chilled , love you"

"Love you too"

I walked out and jumped into my car and drove off .

"You like ??" The lady with the sketches said showing me all the drawings

"Iike no , I L.O.V.E "

And we both laughed

" good !! we a few steps from getting this production done"

"Im so happy , Thank you so much for helping me "

"Its my pleasure , so I will see you tomorrow again"


She left the booth and paid for her drink.

My phone buzzed on the table I picked it up and checked my caller id and it was Ken.


Ken:"hy , how are you? "

Me:"im good, where you at ?"

Ken : " home at my moms crib "

Me:"I thought you was with Aug"


Me:"you guz broke up again !? "

Ken:""yea something like that"

Me:"why what happened I thought you talked about it"

Ken:"its complicated "

Me:"well im not doing anything now, can I come over"

Ken:"yeah sure "

Me:" kul"

I hung up, and paid for my drink and drove off to Kendalls place

♡Its Complicated♡BOOK 1 (AUGUST ALSINA &KAYLA PHILLIPS) Where stories live. Discover now