Chapter 38 - Corrupted Lungs

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M'gann and I have been spending the day together. We just sat in her room, and cried on her bed.

It was impossible, to be hurting, and having your best friend hurting beside you and there isn't a thing you can do to stop it. You can only accept it. Let it destroy you on the inside out only to let you be reborn again.

Zatanna was an amazing person. She was my best friend. I watched Nightwing walk through the Zeta Tube and I knew it when I saw her in his arms. His entire being was broken, even worse than when Jason died.

I had touched her face, just once before Nightwing took her to the infirmary. That was the only place we could put her for now. Nightwing is still with her.

Batgirl explained to me what happened. M'gann was sobbing in Superboy's arm, while he had silent tears running down his face. I fell on my knees.

All I could think of is what I would have done if I was there. But I wasn't, I was with Red Arrow and Green Arrow, patrolling Star City.

That didn't stop the guilt and grief from ripping apart my chest. Barreling into my heart, almost making me stop living.

M'gann was finally asleep on the bed. I'm laying here, unable to find peace. Getting up, I kissed M'gann's forehead as I leave. Finding Superboy, I tell him that M'gann will need him there when she wakes up.

"Artemis." He says. I look at him, and he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back, choking on a sob.

We part with one more shared look, and I head to the Zeta Tube, passing through the kitchen.

"Artemis." The familiar cool voice says. I look up into broken sea green eyes.

Kaldur stands there, looking at me. He doesn't have any tears, but there is sadness etched into his dark colored skin.


I rush into his arms and he holds onto me. We fall to the floor. He cradles me in his arms. I lost any control that I had left. I start screaming, sobbing, yelling at anyone to bring back Zatanna for me. So I can see her smile, her blue eyes. The things I would do to see her one last time.

Kaldur is crying too, but he doesn't scream or sob like I do. He's controlled. He's my stable ground. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him.

Eventually, he picks me up bridal style and we Zeta Tube to my apartment. We spend the night on the bed. For a long time, all I do is scream out Zatanna's name. Kaldur's there, holding me and whispering comforting things. Once the first few rays of sunlight hits through the window, I've quieten up. My tears are still coming, but my throat is so raw from all the yelling. I lay against Kaldur's chest as I watch the sunrise.

"I miss Zatanna." I whisper to him.

"I miss her too." He whispers back. He's stroking my hair, and it helps to calm me down somewhat.

I clutch onto him tighter, trying to stop the tears.

* * *


Zatanna's body is still and unmoving on the infirmary bed. I thought about putting a sheet over her, but that would only make it worst. I couldn't handle it.

I haven't moved for a long time, that's all I know. I brought her back to the base. Passing by Artemis. She touched Zatanna's face, and that's when she broke down.

She was no different than me.

I remember faces talking to me. Asking me about things I don't care about. Like if I had eaten within the last twenty four hours or even slept. I think Barbara was here a lot. She tried talking to me but gave up when I didn't say anything back. Then Tim came, but he didn't say anything for a long time. Just sat beside me, staring at the dead body of Zatanna. Then, he left with a pat on my shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, Nightwing."

Sorry. What a pathetic word.

I keep on trying to breathe through my corrupted lungs, but it's so hard. It's almost as if, with Zatanna dying, my ability to breathe properly did to. She took that, and so much with her when she went away.

I just want her back.

A familiar dark figure walks into the room. He stops to look over Zatanna. Then, he sits down beside me.

"I'm not going to say it gets easier, because it doesn't." Batman says. "But one day, you're going to wake up, and realize you can breathe again. You have to keeping fighting. You have to fight every second of every day until you get to that moment. Dick, I know you can get there."

My mind runs over the Dark Knight's words. If he thinks I can do, than I must be capable of it.

I look over at Zatanna again.

"She told me not to give up." I say, my first spoken words for a long time.

"Then I suggest you take her advice." He puts a hand on my shoulder, then stands up and disappears.

I sit there for a moment, before leaning forward and touching Zatanna's hand. It's ice cold, but I still cling onto it.

"I won't give up," I whisper. "I promise I'll keep fighting."

Standing up, I stand over her and give her lips one last kiss. Her body is ice, and it makes the breath hitch in my chest.

I turn around and stop dead. Dr. Fate stands in the doorway. Dr. Fate uses Zatara as his host body. Zatara is Zatanna's father.

"Nightwing." The mystical voice said. I simply stare at him as he crosses the room to stand beside the bed.

For a moment, he simply strokes her face. Her eyes closed. It's easy to picture her sleeping, but there's no point in trying to fool myself.

"Zatara wishes to know if she suffered." Dr. Fate speaks.

I stand there for a moment, not wanting to return to that memory, but having to.

"She died quickly in my arms. She saved me with her dying breath." I say, barely controlling the sob rising in my chest.

Dr. Fate turns around, facing me.

"Zatara wishes for you to know that he knows you love her."

I want to disappear. Be away from all this, but I can't. I have to endure it all.

Dr. Fate places a hand on my shoulder. "Take care of yourself." Then he leaves.

I collapse back into the seat next to Zatanna, and stare at her while I continue to force air in and out of my corrupted lungs.

* * *


Hope you brought some tissues...


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