Chapter 11 - Lights Out

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We stumble into the Cave at about midnight. We're trying to quiet our laughs, but fail each time.

"I can't believe you thought that guy was girl!" I burst out laughing again. Bart and Jaime join in with me.

"Hey, from behind with those flowing locks of hair, it was really hard to tell!" Bart jokes. The smeared ice cream on his nose still there from when I wiped some on him. Jaime has his own mint ice cream stain on his nose. I got both the boys before they joined together and smeared it across both my cheeks.

"When he turned around though, that was so crash, hermano!" Jaime chuckles as we walk into the kitchen.

"That was so not crash. I was so moded when I realize it was a dude!" Another round of laughs fire off. I struggle to get a towel wet so we can clean our faces off because I'm just laughing so hard.

"Holy crap, Bart. You made my night." I laugh as I wipe my face of the sticky ice cream. Then I throw it to Bart, who catches and cleans his nose.

"Catch, hermano!" Bart throws it across the kitchen counter, but it flutters to the ground by Jaime's feet.

I reach down to grab it, when Jaime's fingers overlap mine. I don't have time to enjoy it because Bart crashes into both us with super speed.

"Bart!" I yell. We currently lay in a dog pile on the floor. Jaime's on the bottom with his back against the ground. My stomach is pressed against Jaime's chest and Bart is entangled in my legs.

"I'm going to kill you, hermano!" Jaime fakes anger.

I look at Jaime with my cheek pressed against the ground. He turns and looks at me from the floor. His eyes are so brown right now, so endless, I could fall into them.

I think I already have.

"That was so crash!" Bart laughs. Jaime and I both look at the dorky red head and both burst out laughing. All of us together, friends entangle together on the floor.

"I would punch you in the face if you weren't so adorable." I tell Bart. I kick him off and get up. Bart hauls Jaime up, still with his trademark grin on. Jaime is trying to scowl but it turns into a smile.

"Unfortunately, the night is late, amigos. I gotta-" Before Bart can finish, the lights switch off. The room is swallowed up in darkness.

"I didn't do it!" Bart says immediately.

"Oh crap." I growl. This is not a good sign. I activate my armor and the red and black metal covers me.

"Jaime, armor up. Bart-"

"On it!" I feel a rush of wind, and another as the speedster returns.

"Impulse is now ready!" I know he's grinning even though I can't see in the darkness just yet. Not that it matters, my armor allows night vision, which is promptly turned on. Impulse has his red and white suit on.

"Blue, you ready?" I ask, gazing at Blue Beetle in the dark. His armor dark and gleaming. He nods.

"Okay, stick together. I don't like the looks of this so don't do anything stupid. Impulse, can you see well enough?"

"Duh, my goggles have night vision."

Good. I don't want Impulse to run into a wall on accident.

"Let's go get the power back on."

We leave the kitchen and head into the hall that leads to the hangar. That's where the main generator for the Cave is.

Young Justice: Red BeetleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang