Chapter 30 - The Truth

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"Sara? Is that you? Why are you so short? And who's—" He stops when he sees that Sara isn't the person in the red armor but the person lying on the blue couch motionless.

"Sara!" He rushes forward and kneels beside the couch. He puts his fingers on her neck, but I already know he won't find a pulse.

"No," he whispers as he grabs her hand and holds it to his lips. "No!" He then turns around and pins me with his brown eyes. His brown hair ruffled up.

"Did you kill her?" He demands. Tears start spilling from his eyes.

"N-no." My throat is still closing up. My own tears are hidden by the face armor. "Sportsmaster and Deathstroke did."

He immediately turns away and presses her hands once again to his lips. I see silent sobs rake his body.

"She promised me she would always be safe. She promised me." His voice trembles. I want to crumble, right here and now, but this stranger needs my comfort.

"She saved me." I whisper. "She gave her life for me. She then asked that I take over Red Beetle. She was... content."

He stays silent, still shaking with sobs.

Inform Garrett that Sara saw the engagement ring. Garrett was never good at hiding things from her.

My lip trembles at the thought of a ring never to be placed on a finger.

"Sara saw the ring." I say. He becomes still at this, but still only looks at his lover's face.

She would have said yes.

The voice that whispers this sounds small, and almost sad.

"She would have said yes." I repeat, my voice almost inaudible.

That's when he loses it. His body shaking as the tears overwhelm him.

"Whoever you are, please." He begs me, finally turning to look at me. "Please, don't let her death be in vain."

Sara's face flashes in my mind. Her smile just before she died.

"I promise."

He then turns away from me and holds her hands tighter. Silently, I slip out of the house, and into the night. The Scarab teaches me the flight sequence and by the time I get home, I've almost perfected it.

Walking through the front door of my small little house, the armor pulls off of my skin and returns me back to my original self. I stand in the kitchen in my black tank top with my backpack. My jacket is still covering Sara Butters.

"Remy?" the familiar voice calls. I rush and throw on a sweater, before I find my mother standing in the living room.

"Remy? What's wrong?" She asks. She gave me her long black uncontrollable hair and shortness, but her blue eyes piece right through me.

I burst out crying.

Falling into her arms, she rocks me on the couch until I get a regular breathing pattern going. She tries to get me to tell her what happen several times, but I can't and won't tell her, ever.

Once I've calmed down enough, I get up and retrieve my backpack. Sitting back down by Mom, I pull out two cartoons of milk.

She smiles, kisses my forehead and goes to put the milk away. I ruffle through the rest of my backpack, and I can't seem to find the picture of me and Mom together.

Then she's back, and sits beside me. I put my backpack on the ground.

"Remy, honey. What happen?"

She can't see the red alien technology not attached to my spine. She can't see the blood on my tank top since I'm wearing a sweater. She can't see it.

Do not tell your mother about me, Remy Emerson. It is for the best.

I agree, because the face of Sara Butters boyfriend pops into my mind. Mom can't worry about me, and wait up for me to show up dead on the front porch. No, I won't put her through that. She'll just have to learn the truth the hard way if I am killed. She's strong.

"I saw a kid get hit by a bus." I lie.

She hugs me once more, and I cry some more. I cry for Sara Butters.

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