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The clock reads midnight. I can feel Jaime breathing beside me. His arms curled around me as he snores softly in the dark.

It makes me sick, thinking about leaving him, and without any explanation. He'll panic, and with Wanda and Mev both gone as well, he'll think the worst. He'll be scared for me.

But if I tell him the truth, he'll stop me from going, alert everyone. Nobody trusts her, I'm not even sure if I do. No one will believe Wanda if she told them what she can do. Bring people back to life.

Just thinking that makes me excited. Soon, Zatanna, Tim and Cassie will all be back here. There won't be a hole in my heart where my love for Cassie was once stored. The guilt of killing Tim will disappear. I know it will. Maybe that's the only reason I'm trusting her, for the faith of bringing them all back.

Gently, I unwrap Jaime's arms from me and slip off the bed. I look at him, he's so peaceful when he sleeps. His dark brown hair is messy, and I take a picture in my mind to take with me. I brush my lips against his before armoring up.

I get into the infirmary. I walk in and stop for a moment. There are two bodies hidden under white sheets. I remove the white sheet from Zatanna's body first and as gently as I can, throw her over my shoulder. Then, I tear the sheet away from Tim, and it makes my lungs stop working for a second. His mask is gone, and there's a gaping hole in his chest. The memory floods into my brain, the moment my scythe enter his heart and I was screaming in my head, unable to stop this murder.

It will change, he'll come back to life with Zatanna and Cassie. Even though we don't have Cassie's body, Wanda assured me we would find a way to bring her back.

Again, trying to be as gentle as I could, I throw Tim's body over my other shoulder. Weighted down but not struggling with the mass, I head into the mission room. Wanda and Mev wait for me. Mev was the one to break her out of her cuffs and remove her inhibitor collar. Now, with her hood on and her hand holding Mev's, she stands before the already open Zeta Tube. Mev moves forward and takes Zatanna in his arms, bridal style. I gently cradle Tim in my own arms.

"Ready?" Wanda asks. Her blue eyes don't seem so cold anymore.

I pull in a deep breath. "Let's bring them back to life."

End of Book 1

* * *

I cannot express how happy I am with all the wonderful comments and support I've received throughout this book. Thank you to all of you readers for taking the time to read my first book. I'm very happy with Red Beetle and all the characters that I've worked with. It was an amazing experience, but don't worry, this isn't the end. Book 2 is already up with the prologue, it's called Red Comet.

Keep Rocking On!


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