Chapter 12 - Dusk

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The chilly air gives me goosebumps but that's now what's put me on edge. The girl in the questioning room with the cold blue eyes and the dark clothes, that's what putting me on edge.

She sits so tense and warily, her eyes moving from the one-way mirror to the door and back again. Her hands sit on her top of her thighs as tight fists. The glaring white light is making her squint.

We should terminate the girl immediately. She is extremely dangerous.

"We have to figure out who she is and why she thinks Red Beetle is going to die, or, why she's going to stop Red from dying." I say. As much as I don't like her, I don't want to kill her.

Cassie gives me a funny look. I at the ground, embarrassed.

"You don't have to be here, Remy. It's okay if you want to leave." M'gann says gently.

Remy has her arms crossed in front of her chest. Her brown hair is as choppy as ever and scattered over her shoulders. Her face is full of determination.

"I'm fine. I want to be here." She answers.

"Are you sure?" I ask, she looks at me. Her determination is still burning, but I see a flicker of fear run across her features.

"Remy, you really don't have too." Nightwing adds. He's here to do the actual questioning.

"Besides, if I was told I was going to die, I would be a little freaked out." Cassie says, touching Remy's arm in comfort.

"Whatever you chose, its crash. Okay Remy?" Bart adds.

"Guys, I'm fine." Remy resolves, her tone indicating the end of the discussion.

I want to touch her, pull her into a hug and comfort her. But I don't.

Nightwing nods and leaves the secret room to get into the questioning room.

Another chill brush pasts me. When Mt. Justice was rebuilt, they added a level of detainment facilities in case a criminal was ever brought here. It's deep in the ground and cold in the metal hallways. I'm thankful for it now, as we needed to place the crazy shadow girl somewhere.

After she told us she was here to protect Remy, she wouldn't say another word until she got to speak to Remy alone. I was totally against it, as was everyone else, especially M'gann. After putting her away, in a brightly lit cell, we walled Nightwing, Kaldur and Artemis. Which promptly showed up to integrate the girl at this early morning hour. No one has gotten any sleep yet, and but I don't care. I have to figure out why this crazy girl is saying Remy's going to die.

I look at Remy. M'gann and Cassie are close by her, making sure she's okay. I'm glad Remy has those two as friends.

As Nightwing enters the same room as the shadow girl, Remy eyes are trained on the girl through the one-way mirror.

She always tries to be tough and strong for the Team, but I can see right through it. She's scared, but she won't show it.

"Wanda Locke, correct?" Nightwing asks as he sits down. He face not betraying a single emotion.

"Call me Dusk." She says flatly.

"Dusk. Okay, Dust, why is it that you have no recorded what so ever? No birth certificate, no social security, nothing on video, not even a Facebook, nothing. Is Wanda Locke your real name?"

"Yes." She answers stiffly. Her body hasn't moved an inch since Nightwing came in. She's tight and stiff, completely untrusting.

I don't like her one bit. She's just a snake waiting for the perfect chance to strike. My eyes flicker to Remy.

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