Chapter 2 - Becoming

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My eyes open slowly, bright lights hurting my retinas. My mind is foggy. I sit up, but do so only groggily. I look across the room, a counter with several medical supplies rest on it, to my right several move hospital beds align with mine. Looking down, I see an I.V. stuck in my arm. Immediately jerking it out, I almost yell from the pain. Holy crap, I should not have done that.

Everything crashes down on me. The crashed space ship. Toyman. The Reach scout.

The armor is on immediately, I even have it covering my head this time.

You're blood pressure is rising but you are in stable condition.

"Help me get out of here." I yell as I kick down the door, it fly off its hinds. I book it down the hallway, but I notice the simple interior design. This doesn't look like a Reach ship.

That is because you are in Happy Harbor.

With my reply on my lips, I turn straight into a person. We fall to the floor, my butt hitting hard. I look up into the brown eyes of a green skin girl.

"What the crap?" I yelp as I scoot back.

"Remy! Wait, calm down!" The girl says, her red hair styled in a pixie cut.

Species: White Martian. Take extreme caution, this Martian is very dangerous. You must terminate her quickly.

My back hits a wall. I quickly stand up, and move my arm but pain in my shoulder stops me from doing so.

How the crap does the Reach have a Martian with them? I don't see any armor on, but that could just mean she hasn't activated it yet.

"Wait, Remy! It's okay, we're not with the Reach." She says gently, reaching for me. I twist and kick her in the side. The green girl hits the floor and I rush down the hallway.

I appear in an open area, with a giant metal power generator on the ceiling. There are two structures on the wall that hold many complicated wires and are tube shaped. My attention then lands on the ground of teenagers in the center of the room. All eyes on me.


A sonic cannon would be the best tactical attack to take down many enemies.

"Sometimes you actually help." I compliment the Scarab as I form it. Then the pain in my shoulder intensifies as I move my arm.

I growl in pain and clutch my shoulder. The group of people start moving towards me, as I turn around the green skin girl blocks the hallway.

"Remy, please, listen."

I back up to the wall, facing everyone. The group of people are an unusual bunch. There's a creature who looks like fish but with a body of a boy. The blonde girl from last night. A black guy with a blue, black and yellow suit with a lightning bolt on the chest. A little green boy with furry arms and a tail. There's also Superman Junior from last night as well.

Then the Reach scout pushes through them, stopping in front of me. I glare at him intensely.

"You will not get me on mode." I hiss.

"I'm not with the Reach," he says quietly.

"Oh really, then I guess you kidnapped me for kicks and giggles then." I snap.

Superman Junior huffs an annoyed breath, "I didn't realize saving your life is considered kidnapping."

That's when I feel the stitches in my shoulder. It's a little wet, but it's cleaned up.

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