Chapter 29 - The Red Scarab

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After we entered the Cave, Nightwing and Zatanna went off to put the machines away. Everybody else either went home or to their rooms. The late hour doesn't help with all our exhaustion. Jaime's guarding me tonight, and we hug before I go to my room to get some shut eye. I'm a little angry that Cassie will no longer be one my guards, but I don't have the energy to express it.

As I lye in bed thinking about the little black beetles attached to the necks of those villains, the Scarab speaks to me.

Memory reconstructed.

The memory overtakes me so quickly. I only have time to say Khori Ja's name.

The night was cool and calm, or it was until I heard the noises coming from the building right next to me. I stop dead on the sidewalk and the noises continue, as if someone has a wrecking ball going on in the building. It looks old and decrepit, most likely abandoned. There was a yell, and that's when I bolted inside.

Someone needs help, I just know it. I'm not going to deny them my assistance. I was never one to run away from a fight.

I dump my backpack with the two milk cartoons on the ground just outside the door. I make a mental not myself to remember it's here and to not forget it or else Mom's going to kill me. Not to mention my wallet, picture of my mom and me and other important items reside in my backpack.

As the adrenaline starts pumping in my body, I climb the creaking stares and get to the second to top floor. I check my pocket for my pocket knife that Mom gave to me. I enter the floor and take cover behind a hole ridden wall as a figure flies into another wall. The figure goes completely through and groans in pain.

The figure I realize, is the villain, Sportsmaster. He starts picking himself off the ground and I see a heavy metal ball attached to a cord and handle right next to him. He easily picks it up in spite of its heavy look. He's angry behind his mask.

I hear the ringing of metal against metal and peak through a hole in the wall. Deathstroke comes down with his sword, just as Red Beetle blocks him with her two scythe blades.

Holy crap. There are two villains here fighting against Red Beetle. The Red Beetle. I've only ever glimpse videos of her on the T.V. She's an amazing Superhero, and one I'm grown fond of. She especially watches over Brooklyn.

She kicks him away and he falls back, one moment to draw a breath, and that's when our eyes meet. Her yellow eyes look at me with her red armor. Her eyes flicker somewhere over my shoulder and I turn around.

That's when I find five people bounded and gagged lying on the floor. Hostages.

I look back at Red Beetle but she's too busy fighting off Deathstroke again. Sportsmaster is finally rejoining the fight. They face off, Red Beetle ready with her scythes and Deathstroke holding his sword while Sportsmaster begins spinning the heavy metal ball on the chain.

"You will fail, Red Beetle." Deathstroke states.

"Oh? And why do you think that?" She says, never taking her eyes off of them. Her voice is strong and determined. Not an once of fear resides in them.

"Because you care for the weak. You try to protect those who can't protect themselves. It was almost too easy to get you here with the few hostages we collected. You care, and you will get killed because of that." Deathstroke says.

She only looks at both of them for a moment before replying, "You're wrong. Caring about others, protecting the weak, only makes me stronger. I'm stronger, because I fight for everybody besides myself. That's something you villains will never understand."

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